Thursday, August 30, 2007
Robin does this graphic show up on my web page? When you click on it it should take you to the next page. Let me know.
Mt. Sterling Kentucky
The house brought back so many memories for both mom and I. Granddaddy was hard of hearing and I recalled him sitting in the living room with his earphones on watching TV. For some reason I recall Grandma always being in the kitchen.
This was the house where my oldest child was able to reach his first doorknob. It was the house that he took his first steps, which resulted in a black eye.
Some of my favorite Christmases were spent in this house.
Mom’s memories were of the chickens in the back yard. When she found a dead chick and chased her sister, Betsy throughout the house with it.
It was a house of music – Betsy on the oboe, Bill on the trombone, and mom on the clarinet.
She recalled an incident with the oven. It was a rule that the first one home after Church on Sunday was to remove the roast from the oven. Betsy came home before the others and found the oven cold. Therefore, she lit a match. Fortunately, she only burnt her arm when the oven exploded. Mom remembers Betsy hanging her arm out of the window on the second story, crying.
She recalled childhood friends and childhood stories.
I remember Granddaddy complaining how his water bill would double when we would visit.
A home is built with warm memories and love.
I remember walking with Granddaddy to the Ruth Hunt Candy Factory and getting licorice and cream candy. You haven’t tasted real candy until you taste Ruth Hunt’s cream candy. It would just melt in your mouth.
It was a wonderful day and pictures will be posted on my webpage this evening.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
While in Yellow Springs Ohio, we met a very interesting person by the name of Bob. He was selling t-shirts and some of the artwork on the shirts was of his own design. He was also a poet and I tried to talk him into publishing some of his work. I did get his web page and I am going to share it with you as well as some of his artwork. As I said, he was fascinating. A little stoned but that goes along with being an old hippy.
I am also behind on my blogging and updating my webpage. I have been concentrating on the webpage and have all of my pictures uploaded. When you click on the caption at the bottom of the photograph below it will take you to the first Ohio page. In the upper left corner, click “next” and it will take you to the next page etc. You know you have reached the end when you click next and get my home page. Woodland Cemetery was just as interesting as Crown Hill. When you enter the cemetery, the first monument you see is of a little boy and his dog. The one that freaked me out was the man sitting in a chair. Dirk took us to the very top of the cemetery and we saw Dayton. It is beautiful place to visit while in Dayton. There are also pictures of the Air Force Museum and Yellow Springs. We also stopped at a festival in Xenia Ohio and ate “Tacos in a Bag.” The courthouse in Xenia was beautiful, with lots of gargoyles and two stone lions guarding the entrance. Enjoy the pictures.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Queen of the Mountain
We are high on a hill overlooking the nicer, level lots that have picnic tables. We are sandwiched between two units and tonight mom and I listened to the squeals of laughter coming from the RV next to us. They have two young girls and three dogs. Our yard is at an incline but I found a cement block from a shed across from us and we are using that as a third step. In the morning when we sit outside, we will be setting up our little table in front of the RV where it is fairly level. The owners greeted us with warm smiles and even warmer welcomes. They gave us a little bag filled with all of the touristy stuff we can do while we are here. We were even escorted to our site. My satellite works great and the manager came by in his little golf cart this evening and gave us the last newspaper. He said he couldn’t sell it. We feel like Queens – Queen of the hill, over looking our kingdom, we have the internet, cable TV…. We are as happy as pigs in slop. This place is wonderful. What is even better is the air conditioner is not running non-stop.
Tomorrow we have to do laundry. I am now wearing my mother’s shirts. We will be staying home but will be exploring Tuesday.
Until later.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Kick Off Your Shoes and Sit A Spell
I know we were nervous but that was gone in flash at the feet of Icarus. As I stated earlier the Air Force Museum was great. Dirk was a perfect guide and quite knowledgeable on the museum. We spent the next day eating great food, having a wonderful conversation, and touring the Woodland Cemetery. Then we had dinner at their house. Felicia is a wonderful cook and her lemon bars are to die for. Surely Not felt at home and was not neurotic. I expected her to be glued to me all evening but she quickly made friends with everyone, with exception of the cat. They had a minor spat because Surely Not doesn't play well with others.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What is funny is mom and I was nervous as well. All of my old insecurities came back in a rush. Mom and I cancelled this trip several times in our minds. We came up with every excuse to give to Dirk on why we couldn’t come to Dayton.
Yesterday, we overcame our fears and Dirk at the Air Force Museum. I have never met a more delightful person in my life. We had a wonderful time. The place is huge; it has everything in it from the first airplane to a stealth bomber. I even climbed in the belly of an airplane and saw the cockpit of a fighter jet. There is no way that I could fit in there. It was fascinating. Dirk is such a comfortable person. I was so comfortable that I allowed myself to be me. He just made me aware that there are good people in this world. The icing on the proverbial cake was meeting Felicia and Micah. We had a wonderful meal and even better conversation. Micah is a beautiful baby, sweet natured and so inquisitive. He is very in tuned to his environment and is aware of so much. Everything Dirk said about Micah is true. It was a wonderful day.
Kids, I am okay. I didn’t end up in an oil barrel in North Carolina. All is well. BREATH!
Today is a day of laundry and staying inside because of the heat. Tonight we will break bread with our new friends and enjoy a movie on a TV whose size would make my oldest son swoon in jealousy.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Alien Sighting In Dayton
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What a night!
I admire Terry Fator because his art is an ancient one. It was supposedly used to communicate with the dead. Maybe that is why the church in the distant past looked negatively upon ventriloquism. I remember Edgar Bergman, Buffalo Bob, and who can forget Sherry Lewis and Lambchop? Terry’s act was clean, wholesome, and family oriented. He was also one of the best ventriloquists I have ever seen. He said he hopes to bring back this art and I feel he achieved this goal.
Cas Haley – a good old boy with an amazing voice. He looks like he could be anyone’s son, or anyone’s best friend. He is a family man with one CD available for sale. I would have been interested in purchasing it if it didn’t have the label “Parental Advisory.”
Terry Fator won. Mom and I were shocked. There was a brief moment of silence in the Little House on Wheels and then screaming. An act that was clean, wholesome, family oriented actually won. It makes one believe that entertainment can turn around.
On the home front – I received great news from my sister. Her middle child is pregnant. Robin, Deanie is going to be a grandma. I am going to be a great aunt. Shellie has a supportive boyfriend and an amazing family, so I know that all will be well.
We did get out and did a little exploring. We found the cemetery in Dayton and it is amazing. Unfortunately, my mother’s computer can’t handle the pictures. I am sure it is capable if I didn’t take so many pictures. I will be busy when my computer arrives because there is so much to see and do here.
Robin thanks for the information about the Mt. Sterling. We plan to see Grandma and Granddaddy and I will find Steve and let him know that you say “Hi.” We will also have a bowl of Burgoo and think of you.
Until Later.
A post script: Tonight, on the news, there were two news reports of dog fighting. Then they showed a video of Alex. I found the transcript and thought I would share.
8/21/07 Wayne County , West Virginia
Dog Buried Alive Trapped Four Days Underground - Emotional Rescue Video 8/21/07
Dog trapped underground in a storm drain for four days has been rescued.
Listen carefully, and you'll hear a grown man cry: Tears of triumph over tragedy. Finding his buried dog: alive.
This is a story of sheer perseverance! It could have had a completely different ending. The threat of a cave in, after heavy rain, was very real!
Alex the Dalmation was trapped 15 feet underground in an old storm drain. He crawled in to cool off and got stuck.
A danger, not only to the trapped dog, but it's owner: who had been digging for days to try and free Alex. A friend with a backhoe came to help, inching dangerously close. It's giant, iron claw capable of ripping the animal in half. A hole large enough to swallow this ladder whole and everyone and everything in it.
That was the thing we had to whisper a little prayer for last night, because these dogs get to be like part of the family.
But after 4 days of searching and two days of digging, Alex, was free.
For 14 years he has been a part of Thompson family.
Alex was taken to the vet, early this afternoon: he arrived on a stretcher. It's a miracle.
I wish all of you could hear the joy and tears in Alex's owners voice when he said "I've got my dog."
Monday, August 20, 2007
Alive and Well In Ohio
Around midnight, I unrolled my bed. I had purchased a new one and it is made for one adult and just barely. Once again, I could hear the low rumbling of another storm coming in and so could Surely. She started pacing, snuggling, and panting. I put her under the blanket and she stretched out full-length crossways. I ended up sleeping on the floor while my 9-pound dog took over the entire bed. I got up this morning around 10:30 a.m. because I couldn’t sleep. When I woke up, I made up my mind that today was the day we were leaving. Yes, I knew the weather and more storms were being forecasted.
We drove through rain but no storms and the wind was working for me. When we arrived at the RV Park, it wasn’t raining. It didn’t start down pouring until I started unhooking the car. I was soaked. Then the gentleman directing me into my lot failed to notice a tree. Fortunately, I did. We made it. We are happy. They are forecasting storms tomorrow that will be the day I will be cleaning house.
Thank you all for your kind words. I am currently using my mom’s computer. We are taking turns. You see we play well with others and we share. We also have a reliable internet connection! Woo Hoo
Friday, August 17, 2007
Diet Coke
Coke and Peanuts – good mixture
Ice Cubes with coke – good mixture
Coke and Dell Laptop - not a good mixture.
My poor laptop screams like a woman in labor and I don’t think that is good. Just a gut feeling I have. When I turn it on all of my programs open, the internet starts, and every word document I have created and saved appears. It must be all that caffeine in the coke that soaked the electronics. My computer is fried and my credit card took a beating. Fortunately, I have everything on an external hard drive so all of my pictures and documents are saved.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sometimes the names of parks scare me. I am sure you are asking why and so I will try to explain. When I come across a RV park with the name, like “Free Spirit, the first thing that pops into this feeble brain is nudist colony. I Google the name of the park, Free Spirit, and skip the introduction. I immediately click on the “picture” tab and make sure everyone is fully dressed.
There was a park in Missouri, it was in the location we wanted to be in, and I was excited to find this park. I went to their web page and to my surprise it is a private adults only (21 years or older) campground for gay, bi, and straight men. It was clothing optional. It is definitely not a place for two heterosexual females who happen to be mother and daughter. Their webpage shows a beautiful park. I am not providing a link for this because they are being harassed by neighbors and other close-minded people. It is important to research the RV Parks you want to stay. I will tell you this; if it were a family oriented park for gay and lesbian couples, I would have called and pitched a fit. Don’t have a problem with that – I do have a problem with a bunch of naked men running around and I don’t care what their sexual orientation is.
Onward and upwards in the thoughts of a bored woman who is sick of looking at cornfields.
Yesterday mom and I took our lunch to Riley Park. When we exited the car with our lunch, we were met by two geese. The female was a beautiful creature, I was mesmerized by her, but her mate was something else. He greeted us with intimidation – “Give me the food and no one will get hurt.” We had a short stare down moment, I with my lunch clutched tightly in my hand and he with his head low and neck stretched out. I won that battle of the wills, I might say. Mom and I walked to the picnic table with the geese right behind us. We had to go through a small crowd of Canadian Geese and ducks but they were to busy eating bugs to notice us. We sat down and we started unwrapping our sandwiches. The male goose came in closer. His head up high, beak in the air…. I don’t know if he was trying to intimidate me or smell my lunch. I can say this, geese beg so much better than my Surely Not. She needs to take lessons from them. I ate my lunch but it was rather disturbing to have a goose in my face wanting my sandwich. I will never scold Surely Not again for begging.
We are heading for Dayton Ohio for a couple of days then on to Kentucky. Dirk I will be dropping you a line letting you know the details.
Until Later.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
This and That
Lisbeth, I am thinking the same thought. Maybe we were separated at birth. It was you that made me take the final steps into creating a web page for my pictures and genealogy. I actually used your web page for direction and inspiration. I would work on creating my own, using Front Page, and when I find myself getting frustrated I would look at yours. I even considered swiping (whoops borrowing) your layout but thought against it. So, I borrowed someone else’s idea. I admit this. I will say this when my genealogy page is published and made available for whoever wants to read it, that section of my web page is of my own creation. When I first looked at your web page, I was totally blown away by Rich Mullins. My all time favorite Christian Music Artist. I love all his songs but the one that I would sing when things got a little stressful at work was “Alrightokuhhuhamen.” The song “While Nations Rage” is so appropriate for this time in our life:
Why do the nations rage?
Why do they plot and scheme?
Their bullets
can't stop the prayers we pray
In the name of the Prince of Peace
walk in faith and remember long ago
How they killed Him and then how on the
third day He arose
Well, things may look bad
And things may look grim
But all these things must pass except the things that are of Him
I have all of his CDs and his death was such a loss. Fortunately his music lives on, his message still ring true, and is timeless. I even have his last CD, the one he was working on when he was called home. I have never played it. It was very strange how I found it. I was in the process of buying a car for my middle son. I was in this lady’s house working out the details when I saw it lying on her dining room table. Of course, I went bonkers. We sealed the deal on the car on the condition she gives me the CD. I can’t believe I just wrote that. Now people will think I am a groupie but I am not. I listen to all kinds of music but for some reason this artist has touched me in a way that no one has.
My daughter, Hannah sent me the following poem. She said when she read it she thought of me. Hannah, I love it and thank you for sharing it with me.
chiseled clouds by a.r. ammons
A single
wipes out
of my people,
skinny old
leaning this
and that
as in stray winds,
holding names:
still, enough
cathedrals fill
afternoon sky
house everyone
lost from
light's returning.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
I realize that sometimes I give my daughter some unusual “gifts.” All Robert can do is shake his head and put his foot down on where to put my gifts. Fortunately, the Nirvana Frog has the honor of being placed on Hannah’s desk. A family treasure I gave her is still in the closet, I think. When I gave it to her I said, “It needs to hang in the living room, over the fireplace.” Robert took one look at it and said, “No.”
A friend of my mother’s painted this for her on black velvet. Mom called it Mitzi and hung it up. Everyone that saw Mitzi swore it looked just like my mother, a chicken in a polka dot bikini holding a wine glass in one hand and a ski rope in the other. I just don’t understand why Robert won’t hang it up over the fireplace. Where is Mitzi, Hannah? Is she out of the closet?
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
For Surely
Some say it signifies hot sultry days "not fit for a dog.” Others claim it’s the weather in which dogs go mad not to mention a few humans as well.
The term "Dog Days" was coined by the ancient Romans, who called these days caniculares dies (days of the dogs) after Sirius (the "Dog Star"), the brightest star in the heavens besides the Sun. They believed that that star was the cause of the hot, sultry days of summer.
The dog days are defined as the period from July 3 through Aug. 11 when the Dog Star, Sirius, rises in conjunction (or nearly so) with the Sun. As a result, some felt that the combination of the brightest luminary of the day (the Sun) and the brightest star of night (Sirius) was responsible for the extreme heat that is experienced during the middle of the summertime. Other effects, according to the ancients, were droughts, plagues, and madness.
The conjunction of Sirius with the sun varies somewhat with latitude. And the “precession of the equinoxes” (a gradual drifting of the constellations over time) means that the constellations today are not in exactly the same place in the sky as they were in ancient Rome. Today, dog days occur during the period between July 3 and August 11.
So folks stay cool, drink plenty of water, and if you want go out bumming do it early in the morning when supposedly the day is cooler.
Received a call from the vet, he had just finished cleaning her teeth. I said, "I'll be right down.” I am not going to sit here, waiting until 4:00 to pick her up. When I went in the little room to pick her up she was standing up. Knowing Surely, as I do, she would not have laid down until I came and got her. She is better off at home with her favorite blanket and her people.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Oh The Place We Have Been
It is a town filled with shops, historical buildings, and for a fee, you can ride the canal boat or a train. It also has a cotton mill that was latter revamp as a gristmill. Cotton is not a main crop in Indiana.
It is a small town and easily walked. It is a tourist attraction. For 50 cents, you can buy a small cup of corn to feed the well-fed ducks. I chose not to because I was raised in the Lake of the Ozarks. I had all kinds of ducks that I fed, played with, and named.
Click here for Metamora Indiana.
As usual, we took the back roads to Metamora. Twisty curvy roads that made me think of the story mom told about old man Moulder. Old man Moulder helped create the roads that are in Camden County. Mom said you could always tell when he took a little too many sips of whiskey because the road became a little more crooked.
We also explored the town of Oldenburg, which calls itself the “City of Spires.” We found two and it was worth the trip to see them. Oldenburg is another historical town that was fun to drive around in and sightsee.
Click Here For Oldenburg Indiana, City of Spires.
Of course, I had to see Peppertown and find a sign that bears the town’s name. It is no longer considered a town it is called a village. Fortunately, we didn’t blink or we would have missed it. I found the cemetery and a sign so I considered that a lucky break. The town is named after the family with the last name of Pepper. Wouldn’t it be odd if I should marry a man with the last name of Pepper? This would be a cold day indeed.
Our last town was Brookville. It is a large town with historical building buildings and a wonderful cemetery.
Click Here For Peppertown and Brookville Indiana.
Somewhere between Oldenburg and Brookville, we found two wonderful little cemeteries, Cupp Cemetery and Arlington Indiana Cemetery. Arlington Cemetery has a dollhouse and I actually wrote down every word on the plaque in front of the grave. It is a sad but inspiring story of a little girl and how her dollhouse brought the town together.
Click Here For Arlington Indiana Pictures and Dollhouse.
Click Here For Cupp Cemetery and Arlington Indiana Pictures.
It was a wonderful lazy day, the kind mom and I needed. Thank you Robin for your thoughts and for the poor chicken you are going to kill regarding Surely Not. I am getting anxious. I doubt very seriously I will not survive tomorrow until I hear from the vet that she is okay.
During my free time I create a website. Thank you Robert for putting up with me, you are indeed a saint. Yes Dirk, I kept it simple. That was the best advice. KISS (keep it simple stupid)
Until later.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Bits and Pieces - Updated
We finally got out of the house and did a little exploring. We visited Metamora, Brookville, and Peppertown to name a few.
Surely has been sick for a few days. I have noticed her breath is worse… in fact it is almost toxic. To make a long story short, she needs to have some teeth taken out and what teeth are left will be cleaned. Her vet, Dr. Tichy didn’t want her to go through another cleaning because of her age. I was torn but I told the vet to go ahead. She is back to being her perky, bouncy little self, thanks to massive doses of antibiotics. She will be going back to the vet on Wednesday. I just hope she can handle being put under.
Not a whole lot happens here. We have been here so long that I can get around unaided. We did attempt to go to downtown Indianapolis; mom saw a lot, I just saw traffic, tall buildings, and no parking.
Tomorrow we will be running errands and then we are going to cook out. There is a strong chance for storms this week so I don’t see us going anywhere but to appointments. All is well.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
You had clients that would call you every day just to hear your voice, all of your co workers adored you, and the pay. You gave up all that money!
It was a job with simple, easy to follow rules. I heard the State of Missouri went paperless and so there were no forms for you to fill out. All you had to do was sit at your desk, listen to your messages from happy contented clients, and eat chocolate.
BUT SERIOUSLY..... Congrats and I am so happy for you.
I am a desert dog. I live among the cacti, javelinas, and coyotes. I know where to walk, which animals to avoid, and which plants I can ba...
One of my favorite Christmas movie is "The Bishop's Wife", produced in 1947. It is the story of a angel who comes to earth to ...
and ended with a swim More pictures to come.... after I get some sleep. Hannah these are for you.
What Dogs See
I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...