Sandra a fellow RVer tagged me and here it is.
Random/Weird facts about me:
When I was younger and had a figure I like to dress like Mrs. Cleaver.
It was I that set fire to the woods behind the house.
I have REAL fear of driving in snow. If two flakes fall, this flake falls apart.
I wanted to name my children Autumn, Edwina, and Herbert. Fortunately they are (in the same order) James, Scott, and Hannah.
I never thought I would be driving something as big as a bus and pulling a car.
Top 5 Seen/See Again list - there are so many beautiful places it's hard to choose:
Copan Honduras – I especially liked the place where the Mayan women would go to give birth on giant frogs. It was a spiritual place. This is the place where I learned to hitchhike, found taxi drivers that would put New York cabbies to shame, and learned to strike out on my own in a foreign country.
Tikal – There lies my heart.
El Ceibal – Despite the heat, humidity, mosquitoes and the hike it is a place of great beauty. It is located on a hill overlooking Río de la Pasión in Guatemala. I found out after a long boat ride, a long hike it is accessible by vehicle but I wouldn’t have missed it in the world. It was there I tasted sweet corn roasted on an open fire doused in lime juice.
El Remate Guatemala –I spent a week there. Catching buses to Flores and Tikal, nearly drowned in Lake Peten, and the sunsets are spectacular. Just a wonderful place to relax. One word of warning…. The kayak’s paddles are made of industrial strength steel and will sink the minute you drop it.
Belize – That is where I would live the remainder of my life if given the opportunity.
I can only come up with four people that might do this tag.
1 day ago