Rusty you went the wrong way! Scott took mom and I down the same dirt road, instead of going to Benson like Rusty did we took the fork in the road that led to Mammoth. It was a wonderful drive and we were able to get out and do a little exploring. If I had doubts about giving LuLu now called Louie to Scott this trip would have dispelled them. Scott climbed a very steep hill, Bernie was struggling to keep up with him and Louie was just passing at the base. You could tell she was not happy. The next thing I know she went scurrying up and it took some maneuvering on her part because her legs were not as long and a couple of times she scared me but she made it. See the picture below. That is a proud dog moment. Now Scott has two dogs that absolutely ADORE him.
In Oracle between the cemetery and the main road was a beautiful butterfly garden. You can tell that a lot of love and pride went into the creation of such a tranquil place.
Oracle Cemetery
35 missions... Amazing!
A "hornie toad"
Butterfly Garden, Oracle AZ
Close up of the bench
There were two pyramids
Close up of the pyramids
Also at the butterfly garden was a mosiac lizard.
Two tiles on the fence in the butterfly garden.
Yes Sireee I chased this one down.
But I don't chase cows.
Bernie doesn't see cows, he sees STEAK!
American Flag Arizona
Ghost Town
The only building still standing is this one, a private residence then a post office.
Proud Dog Moment
She went up this hill.
Mammoth Arizona
Grandma - have some beans ready for me.
Never, Never Shake A Baby.
Quietly and unbeknown to many.
A small child born perfect in every way,
Was struck down by hands much larger than his.
Larger hands meant to love and protect,
Shook and beat this child almost to death.
Brain damaged, wheelchair bound and
Stricken by seizures, this child was to live
Longeer than many had expected.
He was adopted by a loving family who
Cared for him as if he were their own.
In their eyes he was.
There were to be many sleepless days and nights.
They fought for his right to go to school,
They read to him, held him, and cared for his
Many medical needs.
He belonged.
On January 25 1998 god called for this
Little Angel.
Quietly and unbeknown to many.
Sergio became free of the restraints life had
Given him.
He was requested to feast with God at his table.
Sergio now can be heard singing with the Angels.
Sergio, you will be missed by all who knew you.
You touched so many.
I now know why God chose to keep you here
with us.
Dental Agony
July was the month for all things dental but it was Scott that suffered the most. I, on the other hand, heard the familiar “you have a great tolerance for pain.” Well Doc you need to be around when I stub my toe on the coffee table but I digress. Scott still has three impacted wisdom teeth. He made an appointment with an oral surgeon, he went to the consultation, and three days before the surgery he made a call to inquire about payment. I was going to go to New Mexico and needed to know how to pay for it. That is when the shit hit the proverbial fan. Angie, aka financial manager told him that I had called and told her I couldn’t pay for it. Scott is not stupid and he knew I wouldn’t make that call. He called me and I had mom take care of it because I was in a dental chair awaiting my turn. Different office, different doctor. Angie told my mother to have me call her tomorrow morning. Which I did and this is what she said “You called and said you couldn’t pay for Scott’s dental work because your mother is dying of cancer.” I bit my tongue because I didn’t know if Scott still wanted to see this dentist. There were a few choice statements running through my head, let me tell you and more came to mind when she said, “Maybe one of Scott’s little friends made a prank call.” First unsaid comment would have been “my son is 25 years old and not a child”, second unsaid comment would have been “do they do random drug checks in your office and if not they need to start”, and third unsaid comment would have been, “it is none of your damn business how this is getting paid.” In fact when I called Scott I told him to pay them in tips which mean a whole lot of ones, fives, and tens. My even tempered son calmed me down and called Angie himself. By the end of the conversation she made him so made he ripped her a new one. So he had to start over. He has another consultation this coming Tuesday. During the time he was dealing with Angie and now he had an emergency root canal done. It was so bad that the Novocain wouldn’t kick in so he basically had it down without pain medications. It was horrible.
I don’t want the government taking over the health care but something needs to be about the unbelievable cost. Scott would have had to wait several months before he could have his wisdom teeth extracted and the emergency root canal would have set him back at least a year.
My minor oral surgery was a success and August 24th I should be eating normal again.
California Bound
Scott, Mom and I will be heading to California Tuesday. We found a Class B dealership that actually sells more than one. I am hoping and praying… Kill a chicken and say prayers.