This happened when I had a house on a foundation.
I was downstairs and I heard a rather odd noise, I discovered a Barn Swallow had manage to fly into the dryer vent. After much trail and error, I managed to free the bird without harming it. I carefully carried the bird outside and turned it loose. To my amazement, another swallow soared down and greeted her. Together they flew and did amazing acrobatics. I sat there in awe of their obvious pleasure of seeing each other again. Barn Swallows mate for life, I am aware that the female will stray but they stay with the same partner. Watching those two birds in their aerial dance so delighted in finding each other gave me goose bumps.
While on the road, I saw a car hit a swallow. I looked up because I remember the incident with the dryer, searching for the mate…. There he was swooping down on the road. If swallows can find joy in finding each other again then I am sure they can feel sorrow of losing their mate.
17 hours ago
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