We are in New Mexico! It was a pain in the butt to get both car and RV here but I am happy we are here. It is a wonderful park with cable TV, and internet. I had to back the RV into the spot and had a little problem with a tree. The owners and employees came out with a saw and a chainsaw. They gave the Mulberry tree a trim and then directed me in. It is a nice spot with a concrete pad, picnic table, and a place to park the car. Happy happy, joy joy.
Every year friends and family receive a calendar from me. I try to remember what pictures (that I have taken) they comment on and make calendars. This is going to be interesting with Rusty aka James because the only comment he has made is on the picture mom took of the tire after the blow out. Last year Hannah received a cemetery calendar and my sister received flowers on her calendar. There are several good websites that I can upload my pictures to and I use their formatting. They come out pretty good, no one has complained and every year I receive requests.
I am so happy to be out of El Paso. Starting around 3:00 and ending around 7:30 the traffic backs up. The park we were staying was by the interstate and the noise would be so loud that it would block out the TV. It was really odd. Mom and I never stopped sneezing and coughing the whole time we were there. You could look out towards Mexico and see the pollution. They kept saying the air quality was fine but I have my doubts. There is not much Texas can do because Mexico’s laws governing air quality is not the same as the US.
What I found fascinating was the drive back to Las Cruces tonight. The wind had picked up and you could see the dust in the lights. It was eerie but in a beautiful way.
Thanks for all your comments, they are appreciated.
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