Monday, April 28, 2008

Can You Make Her Two Years Old

Surely’s follow-up was today and the good news is she doesn’t have the cough. She will continue with her medications until they are gone.

Because of her age the doctor wanted to do a complete blood work-up and I agreed. Her liver and kidney function is a little high. She was given medications for her dementia and bladder control problem. We are scheduled for another follow-up in two weeks. The kidney functions levels are concerning.

I hope the medication for the dementia will give her some peace. The world is a scary place for someone blind and partially deaf; I cannot imagine what it is like for someone who is confused.

I am so fortunate to find a good vet and I feel confident that he is giving Surely the best care. Surely’s opinion of him is another matter. They had to give her a little gas to draw blood and cut her toe nails. That was the only time she didn’t scream, moan, and cry. She is the only dog I know that will scream for each toe nail clipped.

Her appointment is May 12th Hannah and I need to know your plans. If you are planning to fly in on the 12th then there is a conflict. Let me know when you will be here.

The nicest thing happened today. I left my basement door opened when I took the vacuum out and forgot to close it. My neighbor came over to let me know it was opened. Surely was standing in the doorway and this nice lady said “Is that Surely Not?”

Surely has fans all over! My neighbor is Froggy Donna and she is even nicer in person. I thought she had headed north. What a pleasure.
Location: Sierra Vista


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...