Monday, June 30, 2008

Air Rage and Ice Cream

Since road rage and bumper stickers created a stir on my blog I decided to see what response this study would create.

Again I was listening to 104.1 in Tucson and this is what I heard.

A group in Denver is proposing to the FAA that allowing airline passengers to smoke marijuana will keep them calm in flight and could prevent bouts of air rage which seem to be at an all time high. Safer Alternatives For Enjoyable Recreation, or SAFER, held a press conference outside the Denver offices of the FAA on Tuesday in an attempt to sell their idea aimed at ending incidents with irate passengers. SAFER's executive director Mason Tvert feels that marijuana smoking lounges in airports across the country would make flying safer. International Airport spokesman Jeff Green told the Rocky Mountain News "I can safely say we have no plans to open any marijuana lounges at (Denver International)."On a side note, Tvert claims marijuana will add another benefit to the aviation industry. With airlines deeper in the red than ever, he makes this claim, "You've got struggling airlines, right? From what I understand, marijuana tends to lead to the munchies. (So,) if more passengers smoked marijuana before they flew and had the munchies, airlines could, you know, charge for snacks instead of for baggage."

You have to admit this is an interesting solution for air rage I wouldn't recommend it for road rage. I wonder if people who has air rage have bumper stickers on their luggage or carry on?

The "F" Word

If I was asked to describe this park I would say peaceful. The only noise I have heard is the bullfrogs and at 3 in the morning they can drown out all of the night noises. This I know because I sat outside and listened to thier early morning seranade.

Yesterday the internet went out and five minutes later our neighbor from across the way came out. He slammed the door to his RV and the noise from the slam must have impressed the bullfrogs. Then he proceeded to stomp his way to the office and the only word he uttered was the "F" word. At one point he said it so fast and often that it actually sounded like a sentence. I was impressed by that but not with his behavior. I don't know what transpired between the owner and the irate tenant but he came back with less stomp to his step and only a periodic "F."

What is sad is this is probably a nice person having a really bad day.

Ice Cream and Cake

We just came back from having ice cream and cake and met the folks that reside here. I keep saying to myself "it can't get any better" and it does. Great folks, great food, great conversation - and we are signed up for the 4th of July picnic.

Our cell phones work occassionally as Hannah found out this morning. There are certain areas in the RV we can get one bar and so if you can't get through don't panic. We are alive and well.

We spent our first day here cleaning and setting up. I got the bird feeders up and already they are coming in for a free meal. I also have been asked "Where is Surely." See the picture below.

Location:  McNeal Arizona


Anonymous said...

I've been suggesting this idea for years and no one would ever listen to me!

Happy Birthday, Jane!

Micah met his first kangaroo in Kentucky...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the drug trafficers would agree this is a totally excellent idea, dude Tvert.

Just pulled "Safer.." website. I suggest a cleansing similar to the legendary Boston Tea Party - let's all flush in unity. Granted the Midwest will have to adjust their schedules to current flood conditions, I don't think the east is doing too well weather-wise either. Come to think of it, none of us are doing too well, sis. Let's hold off on the flushin' until George Bush gives the go a'head'.

What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...