Tuesday, June 17, 2008

An Internal Bleed

Yesterday was our appointment for the RV which I cancelled due to mom not feeling well. So we went today.

La Mesa RV, Tucson Arizona took care of everything but the levels. It wasn't acting up when we brought it in so that made diagnosing it impossible. When Scott was down I noticed oil filling the bottom of the level and a quick swipe with a white paper towel confirmed that it had sprung a leak. The technician came into and said "We have an internal bleed." My response was "Gosh Doc is there anything that can be done?" Parts have been ordered we are here another week.

When we were waiting, a salesman came by and struck up a conversation. I don't know how it led into horses but it did. He asked if we wanted a horse - free. Mom said "Only if it can be flat towed."

It has been too hot to go out, about 110 degrees today. Mom is getting anxious to leave and find a place that isn't so hot. Myself, I love the heat.

My son, James aka Rusty has really gotten into hiking. Which I think is great! He takes his daughter, Isabel and heads for the mountains. He is surprised by Isabel because after a 4 miles hike she isn't tired. She has a hard time walking and she trips and falls a lot. Yes, she is receiving therapy for this. The first hike they went on - she fell several times and Rusty ended up carry her up a hill. He has wised up since then and let her take her tumbles. It is a trail, flat with some padding so she doesn't hurt herself. The last hike she pretty much nailed it. There were fewer stumbles. It also didn't wear her out, he was thinking (or is it hoping) she would head for bed early. She is talking so much better. I don't think she is saying sentences yet but her communication skills have really improved. That makes Isabel a happy little camper. I am so looking forward to seeing her in August.

Thank Hannah for the following, this quiz rings truer than the last several I took.

What the House Test Says About You

You are happy with who you are, and you don't have an inflated sense of self importance. You do your own thing quietly. You don't take up a lot of space.

You aren't against being community oriented, but it's not really your thing. You tend to prefer to focus on your family and not the neighborhood around you.

You are a calm, contemplative, and smart person. You take ideas very seriously.

Your looks aren't conventionally attractive, but they're definitely unique. And someone, somewhere, finds that hot.

You are moved by your own inner sense of peace. You spend a lot of time reflecting on the meaning of life.

Location:  Tucson


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you. Maybe I'll give this one a try. I haven't done a test or a Meme in a long time. No awards lately either.

Ahhh...the worm spins around and around.


Anonymous said...

me again...just wanted to say I think it's great The Rusty-aka-James is taking Isabel hiking. I bet it'll really help her coordination improve and it's such good healthy fun. I grew up in Montana and we did a lot of hiking. I wish I would have kept it up...not only for the exercise (which I could use) but because there is simply something sacred about being in the mountains and so much beauty to see.

I also wanted to say I love the SO cheery look of you blog design. I especially love the little family
scenes. You always have such great ideas. My blog is always so dull looking. Maybe I'll get some inspiration from you and do something to spiff mine up and give it some life.

I haven't seen any poetry lately on here???

I simply must get fast speed internet so I can check out all the video's. It doesn't work on the old turtle dial-up. I feel I miss out on so much. A hard thing for snoopy old me to do. (LOL)

Isn't Mt. Lemon GRAND. One of my favorite spots in Arizona. I love Sedona and all that red earth too.

Anonymous said...

I've been riding my bicycle. I just completed back to back twenty mile days on Monday and Tuesday, mile goal for the week is one hundred miles.

The P.T.Cruiser has been parked for thirty-six days and the oil companies have gotten zero dollars from me for gasoline.

I've lost twenty-three pounds since I got the bike and have gone from eighty units of Insulin per day down to zero.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty little granddaughter you have! And a handsome (if irritated looking!!! LOL!!) son!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's been a while!! Did the "internal bleed" become an "eternal bleed"????

What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...