My daughter, Hannah and her boyfriend, Robert are down for a visit. This morning Robert's mom flew in from Missouri to spend a couple of days and then drive back with them. We decided to go to the Biosphere 2.
Robert's mom has a disability that makes it difficult for her to climb stairs and mom is...... well...... she can't take the stairs as fast as she use to. The biosphere has a lot stairs but both of them did really well. They would climb, then stop for a second and continue on. All in all it was an enjoyable afternoon until the last leg of the tour.
The tour guide asked if anyone had a heart condition and when no one raised their hands, he said "Good we will jog to the farm." We were all standing at the bottom of some long steps and honestly folks we thought he was joking.
He wasn't.
By the time the six of us along with two others got to the top of the stairs our group was gone. They were gone! We all just stood there looking at each other with probably strange expressions and then we started looking for our group, every door we tried to enter was locked.
We were stranded at the Biosphere. It was after closing time.
We really weren't sure what to do so Robert called the Biosphere 2 on the phone and said, "We are stranded." After reassuring the receptionist that we were not joking we had to explain to them where we were. Then we had to go back down the stairs to wait for someone to pick us up and drive us back to the main entrance.
My advice is simple.... if a tour guide ask if anyone has a heart condition... RAISE YOUR HAND!
5 hours ago
Well, excuse my indignance, but a heart condition is not the only reason to be unable to jog!! That guide sucked!!!
You people scare me. What?
Do you have a scent?
My hand would be the first raised.
Robin is too funny. I'm sure that even though one bizarre thing after another happens to you...well, then again, perhaps she is right. Do you people have a scent? LBUTTOFF.
My advice: Don't take old ladies to high places. If they don't have a heart condition before they are likely to develope one. Take photo's and present them to them where they are sitting at a shaded table with cool drinks and cute sandwiches.
I swear your adventures are just as goofy as mine.
Although it has been awhile since some crazed man has chased me down the street waving his naked ding dong at me squealing about having something special for me. Teeheehee
My Mom used to say that only to me did these goofy things happen too...but then again she never met you. (S)
I also agree with Lynilu...that guide does suck.
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