Weight 1.6 pounds
About as long as a paperback novel
Coal Black
There is some Pom in there, Poodle....... don't know what else
Yes she can run under Lulu and has on several occasions. Lulu weighs in at 8 or 9 pounds. Lulu thinks she is great fun, she likes to roll her across the floor like a ball. Don't worry Fifi is fine, if she doesn't want to play she nips and nips hard. She became a member of our home yesterday at 12:00 p.m. I picked Fifi because out of all of her littermates she was the only one that licked me on my nose. Fifi went from her old house straight to the doctor's office (mine not hers) and on the way we were tossing names back and forth. When mom said Fifi, she lifted her head and looked at mom. We waited until after my visit was through and started saying names again and when mom said Fifi she reacted. I guess you could say Fifi named herself. Fifi went to the vet this morning and she is healthy as a horse and eats like one as well. All is well inside the little house on wheels.
6 hours ago
OMG, she is cuter than stink!!
Unbe-LIEV-ably cute!
lynilu's cuter than stink sums her up perfectly.
that is either a big book (and you do tend to read some heavy material) or a very teensy tiny poopy. I can't wait until she meets rose and ella. They'll just eat her up. . . : )
Oh my...what a cutie. I'd love a little critter like her. Of course my Kitts would do her in. Jealous old gals. I love her name too.
I bet Fifi and Lulu will make a great pair.
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