I was discussing the coyote with a long term resident of Tucson. I told him that I had to keep my two little dogs inside because she was staying close to the house. I always thought they were skittish of humans. He said "Next time you see a coyote shoot it in the but with a BB gun." I have never shot anything in my life and I don't think I could shot a coyote even if it is just a BB gun. I can understand the logic behind it but I just can't do it. I don't have a BB gun. I guess I will pass the idea to Scott. Bernie aka Scott's dog went chasing after the javelinas last night but fortunately Scott was able to get him back. You know it is not safe to step out in the yard.
The floor man came today to begin cleaning the brick floors in the house. The floors are beautiful. He did half today and I am just thrilled with the results. I don't think the floors have been washed since 1984 when the additions were added. It was pretty gross. I am going to be taking pictures.
With the peeling bathroom walls, yes I did clean them, the primed them, and painted them. I think I have the problem solved but I am not going to start bragging until after I do it.
Tomorrow is blood work for me. Hopefully this will be the last time they will poke me. I have been watching what I eat, gave up Diet Coke, exercise more and I have been smoke free since Feb 12. My blood better be good or I am going to order a rare steak, wine, diet coke, and a cigarette. Then I am not going to walk for a month.
On that note.... good night.
1 day ago
The BB advice is actually very good. It stings them and deters them without doing serious damage.
I can hardly wait to see the floors. Did you take before pix? Or perhaps half-done pix?
I hope your lab results are good. Lifestyle changes suck, don't they? I'm doing some, also, gradually. Not fun.
Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing
the floors too. I have a 'blood day' coming up (I've never heard that expression, but it's a good one) - one more month (out of three) to get my cholesterol down...
you remember what happened to peppy, right? when he got hit by a car a couple years back we had to get x rays. the x rays looked like they had been sprinkled with confetti and we were shocked when the doctor told us that they were the cause of a bb gun.
so now I wonder what would be on a coyote's xray. hmmm.
let me know how the tests went.
sorry I couldn't get on yesterday. I will try to be on late tonight which translates to early tonight for you.
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