Once again the city showed up on our doorstep armed with a camera. I guess someone called and said we were building an addition to the house. Scott explained that the house was stuccoed and that is why it looks different. He also explained that all of the work being done to the house doesn't require a permit. They took pictures of the house and left. I guess that way if they get another call they can take a look at the pictures to compare and see if we are doing anything illegal. I am looking into super tall trees that will block views. Any suggestions? I have not encroached on my neighbors but someone is stepping on my toes and I am losing my patience with them. If I was a developer they couldn't do this, all they could do is watch as the buildings go up and the views disappear. All I want is repairs finished and the house painted.
Thank you all for all of your kind words. I just bit the proverbial bullet and made it through. I took Lu on a hike and then gave the girls their baths. I feel so much better. I am trying to watch everything I put in my mouth and it when you take away my comfort foods it makes quitting just a little bit harder. I went to Trader Joe's yesterday and found a substitute for my peanut butter. Also their soy milk is SO much better than Silk. I also picked up some salmon that cost less. I am starting to really like Trader Joe's.
Everytime I start to feel a little down in the dumps I listen to Mark Lowry. I don't know why I find that man so funny but I do. One of my favorite comedy sketch is "Take A Pill." It is GREAT to start off the day with a belly laugh. That is what I did this morning.
Links Related To This Post
Take A Pill, Mark Lowry
Bath Time
Trader Joe's
This Is How I Woke Up With A Camera In My Face
I'm glad you're feeling a little better. It's just a process, and there isn't much way to circumvent it.
Love the picture of the baby. She is so very cute!
I'm glad the house is coming along, although the pink will be missed by at least one person...
I wish we had a trader joes. I've never even been to one.
love the lulu picture.
I Love, Love, Love your house. Lulu is such a cutie. I'd be kissing her all day long. My girls are big fans of "Trader Joe's" and I always check out the whole food stores. We watch every bite we eat around here too. So it's good when we find some good substitutes for our favorites and after awhile they become the favorites and believe it or not they actually make the old things taste too salty, heavy or greasy. What a thrill it is to actually taste the food istead of salt.
Salmon is a huge part of my diet as is fruit, veggies and salads.
Continued good wishes for being cigarette free. You are doing so good.
Hell...yeah...go purple. That ought to really drive the botheresome tattle-tale neighbor up a wall.
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