I loathe Malls. I shop at Wal-Mart and avoid any and all malls. Yet, today I actually had a decent experience at a mall. We had to drop the Gulfstream off at the dealers to move the satellite to our new RV and we had time to kill. Since Rockford is not a brown sign town there was nothing left to do but walk the mall. Mom wanted to find a pair of pants and we ended up at a department store. Once in a great while curiosity will overcome me and I will actually try on something. I found two pairs of jeans with absolutely no elastic in the waist. I was so thrilled that I actually went to another store to look at shirts. I think mom would have wanted to have her toe nails pulled out one by one than follow me to a store to buy shirts. You see, shopping for shirts with me is a horrible experience for anyone. I am not proud of the fact that the very first Tarzan (Elmo Lincoln) had the same problem as I. Some well-meaning idiot informed me of that piece of trivia thinking it would make me feel better. Which it did not. I am barrel chested and anyone with that problem knows that shirt buying is a royal pain in the arse and you are better off going to the men's department. My luck continued and I purchased two button up shirts. Mom was very relieved. It was a successful day at the sales rack.
Tomorrow we will be moving into our new home.
For those of you that want to read about Elmo, click here
Illinois Rockford
13 hours ago
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