Called the insurance company today because they think I have moved to another state. After explaining to the nice lady that I didn’t move I found out I am only covered in the state of my residency. Let me get this straight, if I fall down a flight of stairs in Iowa and break both legs I am suppose to crawl back to Missouri for casts? Ohmmmmmm
Out of Silk Chocolate milk ohmmmmm
Mom’s fuzzies. She purchased a pair of lamb skin, fleece house slippers and loves them to the point of distraction. “Aren’t these baaaaaaaaaaaad.” “Ah they have little sheep butts on the soles.” “I wish I could wrap these up and send them to Jolie.” “Don’t Ewe steal my slippers while I am sleeping.” Ohmmmmmmmmmmmm
Partial List of things to do today. Hem pants, fix the toilet paper holder thingy ma jiggy. Call insurance, call the vet, call doctor. Fix the shower head. Do laundry. Find where the showers are and take a shower. Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
700 watts how many amps. Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Surely Not takes a poop under a bush, had to crawl under to retrieve it. Ohmmmmmmmm
Cut one pants leg off, if it ain’t right do I have to crawl back to Missouri to get it sewn back on. Don’t panic I am hemming. Ohmmmmmmmm
Location: Osage Beach Missouri
2 hours ago
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