Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ducks, Lizards, Muscovies, And One Torked Off Goose

Today mom and I went to the Bluebonnett Swamp Nature Center in Baton Rouge. On our way there we found a small park where we stopped. When we exited the car, we were mobbed by ducks. Two flew to greet us and one poor duck was so fat he couldn't waddle anymore. The Muscovies walked over to us, they are as dignified as they are ugly.

Back in the days when I had a house on a foundation, I lived next to a large lake. So close to the water, you could stand on my porch and throw rocks in. . I never realized how much I missed my ducks, even though they liked to roost with their back end on the wrong side of the boat. I remember one Muscovy in particular. He would walked up to the front door, knock, and when you opened the door, it would hiss. The hiss was like a noise Linda Blair made when she starred in the Exorcist. Muscovies look like they have cancerous growths around their heads. A friend of mine described them as a duck that mated with a turkey buzzard.

There was a small lake there and we wandered the shoreline, bird watching. A goose that was guarding his flock of mallards must of felt threatened by my presence because he launched a verbal assault. Geese are rather aggressive birds and I can understand why my daughter dislikes them so much. I couldn't help but laugh at his attempt to intimidate me. He finally herded his flock away from me.

We did make it to the Bluebonnett Swamp Nature Center. It was a beautiful, restive hike.  While at the Nature Center I had a fun time chasing the lizards that used the railings to sun themselves. I was determined to get a picture of at least one and I ended up with several. The swamp was everything I imagined it to be. The cypress trees with their interesting trunks rose through the undergrowth. The vines were abstract and created their own art. All through out our walk we could hear the birds but we didn’t see them. They too must have taken on the mysterious quality of the swamp. It was a peaceful place. The Nature Center also has a nice collection of snakes, boas to a beautiful Cottonmouth. I took some pictures but remember they are behind glass so they are not as good as I would like. They also had box turtles and two huge alligator snappers.

Alligator snappers are turtles with a bad attitude. Many years ago I found one on my road and I thought I would try to put him back in the pond. They too make a noise like Linda Blair when provoked. I don't remember if I managed to get him back or not. If anyone is interested in how to get an alligator snapping turtle back to his pond, use a stick. Picking them up is not a good idea. My poor brother learned this the hard way.

Tomorrow the weather will be rainy and stormy so it will be a day we will stay home and do laundry. If you click on the pictures posted here it will enlarged them.

Location:  Baton Rouge


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...