Monday, March 05, 2007

You Can't Make Me

This morning was chilly when I woke up. I quickly deflated my bed, threw it up on the couch, and turned on the electric heater. Mom was up already and sitting in the passenger seat. The sun coming through the windshield was warm and inviting. I grabbed Surely Not, put the leash on her, and took her outside.

This rv lot doesn't have grass. It is baked ground with an occasional tuft of dying grass. Surely Not is a very picky old lady, she must have grass to water or she will walk around in circles. So in my PJ's, hot pink bathrobe, and sandals (I am such a lovely sight in the morning) I sneak around to my neighbor's yard because they have a large patch of grass. Surely Not just stood there looking at the grass, then she wanted back in the house.

So here she sits on my lap, buried deep in the folds of my hot pink night bathrobe, snoring and dreaming puppy dog dreams. My lap is more important to her than her morning constitutional and that makes me feel warm all over.

I just hope she doesn't explode.


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...