Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I received the "Nice Matters Award" - despite the fact that I posted that Santa has his own cemetery and is well you know. I received an "Nice Award" from Robin.

Zach – my little friend from Singapore who introduces me to new music, new words, and is such a sweet person. He thinks my dog is beautiful.

Lynilu – She lives in a tiny piece of heaven. Beautiful pictures, great stories of her day to day life and past. She is definitely a nice person.

Dirk and Felicia – She hasn’t started blogging yet but she will. They welcomed mom and I into their home and showed us a wonderful time. Dirk did all of the driving which was a real treat to me. I actually got to sit in the passenger side and look out the window and let someone else put up with insane drivers. His blog makes me think, sometimes makes me angry, but that is a good thing.

I just met Misty Dawn and find her to be a fantastic person. She is down to earth and a dog lover as well. I enjoy reading her blog about her life and her dogs. She and I agree that dogs keep us sane.

Now I am off to find the Easter Bunny………..


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...