Friday, July 25, 2008


I am scared of heights. I know that sounds a little strange coming from someone who enjoys climbing. Yet it is true. I even have moments when I am climbing that I stop and think to myself "don't look down, OH GOD don't look up."

The other day we took off for Coronado State Park in Sierra Vista. They have hiking trails and picnic areas, beautiful views but Scott wanted to see what lies ahead. So we drove up to Montezuma Pass, elevation 6575. The road leading to Montezuma was gravel, narrow, curvy, and no guard rails. It was, in fact, my worse nightmare.

When I am in this kind of situation I immediately assume "scared to death position." I am sitting slightly sideways, my head is tilted and I am staring straight ahead. I just don't move from this position with the exception of my foot. My foot is constantly pressing down on my imaginary brake. It doesn't help if the view is so spectacular that my driving partner says "Oh my god" several times. Sometimes I will steal a sideways glance but then my eyes quickly go back to staring straight ahead. I figure every trip I make up and down a mountain I lose at least one year of my life.

Now there is another position I rarely take. My daughter witnessed it for the first time about a year ago. It is called "fetal position." Robert decided to take a mountain drive in the snow. I just layed down and cried. Everyone was scared of that drive.

I am sure there are some that wonders why I put myself through this.

Yes it is worth the drive.

Click Here To See More Of Bisbee!

You can never see Bisbee in just one day. Everytime I go there I see different things. These are new pictures.

Click Here For Drive Pictures!

My intentions of exploring went awry so Scott and I took a drive instead.

Click Here For Hiking Pictures!

We went hiking a various places. In one of the photos you will see an emergency vehicle. We wanted to hike to the waterfalls but someone fell off of the falls and required a lot of assistance in getting off.


noisysmile said...

Your picture dealio torks me off woman. I can't grip the pictures to save to my computer. Can you get it to where it's a simple slide show that the user has control over? I really want to see these. I got to the sunflower and gave up. I really wanted that one.

Tell scott that I called for no particular reason. I know I told him I would call him back but I am on my way out the door and will be busy until tomorrow afternoon.

Love you.

Pepper McKean said...

Considering you are probably the only ones that look at them I will see what I can do next time.

Anonymous said...

That mountain road ended up being longer than expected and the sun set very fast.

Robin said...

I'd love to save some of the pictures, too. (If you don't mind.) They are gorgeous.

Lynilu said...

Oh, yes, to get pictures like that, it is worth the soul-wrenching terror. Well, it is worth it from where we sit! LOL!

Those are seriously gorgeous pictures, IE!!

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