I feel 100% today! Mom and I might do a little house hunting on our own just to get out of the house. Of course our Realtor is a little paranoid. We found him by calling a number on a sign outside a house we were interested in so he is concerned that we will do the same if we strike out on our own. Our response to that is "Why should we call a total stranger when we have the best that Tucson has to offer! If we find something we will let him know Monday.
Our offer on the first house fell through. I knew it was a low offer and the chances were not good. We would have to completely rebuild the additions plus hire a exterminator to get rid of the rodents that were nesting under the flooring. I calculated the cost of renovations and extermination and deducted. We were a little disappointed but things happen for a reason and it is onward and upward.
All is well, thank goodness, in our little house on wheels.

ooo food poisoning-not fun : (
cute quiz. I was a bette. strong grrrr!
Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Been there, and it really sucks.
Hey, are you showing that adorable little face in competition with my kids? Cut it out!! ;D That Lulu is too cute for words!
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