Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wild Burro Trail Tucson AZ

Wild Burro trail is the gateway into the Tortolita Mountains.  My son Scott came with me and was wearing the wrong shoes so we only stayed out for about 3 hours.  I will be returning and taking longer hikes.

I see Donald Duck


Jaeda was released from the hospital on Thursday.  I don't think they gave her a diagnosis just swollen lymph nodes in her neck.  They gave her antibiotics and that seemed to do the trick.

Bernie, aka grandpuppy, was released from the hospital on Sunday.  The doctors seem to think it was heat stroke.  He is on a strict diet of chicken, rice, potatoes.... very bland food.  He did go with us yesterday on our hike and did fine.  The only trouble we had was all I had was Lulu's water bottle so that was constantly being refilled.  I didn't think he would be able to drink from it since it was small but he did fine.  Scott is going to set his kennel in the smallest bedroom which only has two very small windows and stays cooler.  

Other than that it has been a boring week.


noisysmile said...

I am so jealous

I am thinking about spending a couple weeks down there this summer : ) but only if yall want me.

I'm glad everyone's ok. I didn't even know bernie was sick. poor poop.

Lynilu said...

Great pictures! I'm assuming you used the zoom to get the gila monster!

I'm sorry to hear about Jaeda and Bernie, but glad they are both better. Poor Bernie, being a black dog in the AZ sun and heat. I'm glad is protecting him, 'cause repeats are likely, just as they are with humans. Hope everyone stays well.

What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...