Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lake Michigan – Platte River Campground

Our stay at Platte River Campground is wonderful and it is a beautiful place to stay.  We are snuggled up against the woods so our view is not looking at another RV.  We already met another Trekker.  I know I am sounding repetitious but Van People are the nicest. 

Mom and I took a 3 mile hike.  She is swearing that I am trying to kill her.  We didn’t make it to the shores of Lake Michigan because the sand is difficult for her to walk in.  She did get to see the lake.  I went back later in the afternoon and walked the shoreline, listen to the water, and watch the children play.  It is very peaceful.  Tomorrow I am going to drive to the shore, where we will put our chairs by the water and sit and read. 

I just finished the book “Stone Carver” by Jane Urquhart.  It was light and easy to read.   The author made the characters likeable and unique.   I have not heard of Jane Urquhart and will be looking for more of her books. 

I am from the hills of Missouri where squirrels are brown, grey, or red.   They are also fried, sautéed or fricasseed but that is a different post.   I have never seen a black squirrel until I came to Michigan.   I have been trying to get a picture of one ever since I seen one.  In this campground I have one that is living next door to us.  I have managed to get one picture but it is a little blurred.  It is like he is teasing me, “here I am” and then he runs away.  This evening he ran under the van and then up the tree…  You know something I think he is teasing me. 

Click here for pictures taken on our stroll to Lake Michigan.

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Lynilu said...

There is a pocket of black squirrels in Marysville, KS, too. I've not seen them, either, but that's a cool photo you got.

hannah jane said...

I am reading your blog fast, and will be back on later *crossing fingers* for facebook pictures. To make a long story kind of short we had a drain problem this morning while I was at work and they had to use industrial drain cleaner. I couldn't even eat at home before tutoring. It's a little better now, but only in the office. So I am going to take the dogs to the park I guess and try to come home again later. Third times the charm, right? God it smells awful though.

What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...