Thursday, November 11, 2010

Along Came A Spider…

CSC_0378When my children were young I had them stretch the arm out and then twirl.  It wasn’t some weird dance or game, I was showing them their personal space.   I went on to explain that no one was allowed in their personal space and what to do if someone entered their space without permission. 

We all have our personal space that man, beast, arachnids are not allowed to enter.  Today we reached our destination and after setting up camp I put my chair under the shelter and proceeded to get lost in a really good book.  About 15 minutes into the book I noticed a black spider was dangling right in front of me.  I felt like it was either trying to get my attention (accomplished) or it was trying to hypnotize me (scary thought).  It was so close I could tell you how many hairs was on it’s arse.  I have the utmost respect for spiders but I also have my limits.  This arachnid definitely invaded my personal space and I was tempted to swat it.  Instead of resorting to violence I slid out of my chair and just watch it as it slowly started it’s descent again.  When it made contact with the cement it immediately scurried to find shelter.  I figured it owed me something for scaring the bejesus out of me so I grabbed my camera. 

My mother came across a hairy wolf spider in the basement of her house.  It was perched on the door and so she gave it a good swat.  What she thought was hair was actually hundreds of baby wolf spiders that blew on her after her shoe made contact with their mama.  I think she had nightmares for months.

All spiders use venom to kill their food but, in most species this venom is only harmful to their food.  Only about a dozen species of spider have venom that is actually harmful to humans, of those only one is a tarantula, all the others are generally small spiders such as the notorious Black Widow Spider.  So why are we so afraid of them?  

I took some pictures today, click here to view the rest of them.  



Just another girl said...

The same thing with momma and baby spiders happened to me when I was in grade school. Ick!

Lovely photos.

Barb said...

I clicked on the spider photo - now I may have nightmares! I figure if they are in my house, they're goners. If they are outside, I leave them alone. But one has never dangled in front of me before - yikes, I guess that would be a dilemma. Looks like a very serene area to be.

Anonymous said...

A. And now, I'M gonna have nightmares. God, what a story.

B. Re: Me and My Dog's comment.... The woman who lives above me says about all critters, "Outside you're fine. Inside, you're mine."

C. I just found the lyrics you left by Susan Enan. Thank you! I'll be going to I-tunes nest.

D. I want to hear about the thicket. When I was growing up in Nicholasville we had a huge thicket in the backyard of our backyard. It was huge with many 'rooms' and I was mostly the only one there. It's one of my few (and good) memories and for some reason it's been on my mind lately.

Prettypics123 said...

I'm with you when it comes to personal space NOT for spiders. Nice pictures you took today!

~~Mike~~ said...

I actually have a very high respect for the little critters myself, I always do catch and release. Heidi informed me long ago that it was part of our marriage agreement too LOL! So she screams and I gently move the little 8 legged fuzzballs outside where they can go on about their missions.

I am in total agreement about the personal space deal though, they are not allowed in mine either. I always explain that to them while relocating them and they must get it cause they don't come back ever :)

Great pics as always! You have such a great eye for that stuff!

97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

hannah jane said...

omg I would have shit myself.

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