Mom and I are still recovering from our three week road trip plus all the chores. I swiped this meme from Fatty.
k-12 memories....
Apple Jacks or Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries?
Neither. I loved the Animal Cracker cereal. I would try to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try is the key word, I attempted and always failed.
Band or choir?
It was band. I loved to sing but some wouldn't call it singing, more like calling the pigs home.
Class ring?
I had one but lost it.
Ducks or Battleships? (in the bath i'm told)
The truth is what everyone wants, right? Neither. I would spend hours in the bathtub playing with my imaginary friend, Scary Bones. No comments from Hannah Banana or I will everyone about the Blue Angel that lived in the bathroom.
Earning money?
As a child I lived right on water. My first job was at the Patio Drive In. I would jump in my little boat, which had a 20hp motor, and go to work.
Favorite teacher?
I had two. The kind and gentle teacher was Mrs. Franklin. I just remember her as being so sweet and patient. The second teacher was the evil, demented one. Mr. Ketterlin looked like and walked like a penguin. His classes were so boring that a lot of students would fall asleep in his class. His favorite form of punishment was to grab a stack of books, drop them on the floor by the unsuspecting sleeping student. I never had this done to me but the reaction was priceless. I did get my knuckles rapped but I can not remember why.
Go back and do over?
I would go back and change a few things but truthfully, I don't think I would. I have learned a lot from my experiences.
Home Economics?
I hate home economics. I don't have a domestic bone in this body. My first dress turned out looking like pants. I flunked sewing. Undaunted they put me in the kitchen. It was a miracle that I didn't burn the kitchen down or killed anyone. I didn't flunk the class though. The reason for not flunking the class was due to the fact the teacher didn't want to deal with me anymore.
Indoor recess? P.E.?
Indoor recess before PE. PE was a horribly experience. You had to get undressed in front of a bunch of mean cheerleader types. I was traumatized by the experience.
Jacks or jump rope?
Kickball or dodge ball?
Kick The Can
I was in a school play when I was about 9 years old. I was still cute enough to make the audience forgive me of my lack of talent.
Number of school districts?
Just 1
Orange or apple?
Playground equipment?
Tether ball.
Quiz team or debate team?
Debate, that was something I was good at.
In first grade, my best friend was Kenny. We would play together every recess and also dream big dreams together. We both were going to move to Montana, buy a horse ranch, and raise Arabian Horse. Mine was always white Arabians. When we were not dreaming we would play Batman and Robin. He was my first best friend and I was absolutely devastated when he moved away. As fate would have it, we met again 34 years later. His face was ravaged by drugs, his brain was fried, and I can only imagine what happened to him in prison. He recognized me and called me by my legal name. I wanted to cry.
Spring break?
No such thing.
Team sports?
No way
Unfullfilled dream?
Moving to Colorado. Hey I was 16 and thought it was a romantic place to live.
Valuable what?
walk or bus?
Here is goes, the age old tale of walking barefoot 6 miles through snow to catch the bus. I had to walk about 1/2 mile to catch it. I was not barefoot but I did have to walk in the snow.
X Country or basketball?
Camdenton RIII schools is a horrible place to send your children. I dropped out at 17 and finished elsewhere.
home ec
that is all.
3 hours ago
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