Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It Followed Me Home

Today we rolled into a park near Sikeston, Missouri. After getting everything hooked up and the air conditioner on, mom and I sat down and started a grocery list. When we went to the car something caught my eye. It was brown and hopping up and down. I thought I was hallucinating, serious heat stroke or something. I looked closer and it was a Sugar Glider. I went in the RV and grabbed a towel and threw the towel over the animal. They may be small, cute, but they can become aggressive when stressed out. I put it in a plastic container and mom and I went to the park office to inquire about someone losing a pet. Of course they thought it was a baby squirrel, deformed chipmunk but they gave excellent directions to the Animal Shelter.

Most people would think the same, it’s a wild animal leave it alone. Most people would recognize it as an exotic and try to keep it. My question is this, what does a Sugar Glider eat? How does it drink? What type of care does it require? Does it truly belong in a cage or does it belong in its own habitat? Its habitat is not the United States. I am not a strong supporter of exotic animals. Sorry folks but that is my opinion. One of the reasons why I don’t support exotic animals as pets is because once the new pet owner realizes the care or attention the animal needs they abandon it. That is probably why I found one hopping up and down.

Kudos to the Animal Shelter in Sikeston. They immediately took possession of the little animal and the lady seemed very knowledgeable on the care this little creature needs to survive. I will admit to this, the child in me wanted very much to look at my mother and say “It followed me home, can I keep it?”

Location:  Sikeston Missouri


What Dogs See

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