Sunday, October 01, 2006

Up On The Rooftop

Today is the day we move into Kentucky. I got up and completely broke camp, i.e. levels up, slides in, electric and water off, and then it hit me.... I forgot to stow the satellite. So I went out and hooked up the power and went in to stow the satellite. It was dead. No power to the satellite or the microwave (which is all conveniently located together). No I didn't blow a breaker or had to much juice to one circuit. The television also didn't work, the refrigerator didn't work, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. So I went and check the breaker, recheck my connections, and in the meantime I met my neighbor. Now he said he was an electrician. So he went in and did the same exact checks I did. So I called Tech Support. I went out and reset the inverter which made the television work and the refrigerator work but it did not solve the problem with the microwave and satellite. Then the tech said "I don't know what to tell you except you can't drive the motor home with the satellite up". So I knew I had to go up on the rooftop to manually lower the dish, if it was possible. I am terrified of heights and I am terrified of ladders. I slowly started climbing when I thought I heard the phone ring. So I yelled at mom - if it is Hannah don't tell her that her mother is on the roof. Why? It is an old joke that the kids and I like to tell each other. It goes like this:

A man goes on vacation while a friend takes care of his house and feeds the cat. Each day the man calls to check in and is told everything is fine. However, on the fifth day, he calls and his friend tells him the cat got out of the house, was hit by a car and is dead.The man is horrified. "Why did you tell me about it that way?! Couldn't you have broken it to me easier? I still have three days left on vacation, so you could have worked me up to it each day. Start by telling me the cat is on the roof. Then tell me it's in a tree. Finally, work up to telling me about getting hit by the car."The friend apologized and promised
to be less abrupt in the future.At that point, the man asked his friend if there was anything else he should know."Well," the friend replied. "Your mother is on the roof....."
I want you to know - I solved the problem. The microwave and the satellite is plugged into a surge protector. When I couldn't manually lower the satellite I decided to check the surge protector. It was defective. Problem solved and all systems go. Mom decided to stay in Cape town another night and so I set up camp.
I tell you this, if you want to meet all of your neighbors - just climb on your roof. It works every time. Mom had two strange men crawling on her bed. Woo Hoo!

Cape Giredeau


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...