Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sarala Tagged Me

Three things that scare me: People sneaking up on me, horror movies, scorpions
Three people who make me laugh: My children, my mother, hey thats four
Three things I love: coffee, quiet nights, Tikal
Three things I hate: cow brains and eggs, racism, banging my head on the slideout
Three things I don't understand: Quantum Theory, Newton's Law Of Physics and Algebra
Three things on my desk: printer, computer, and ashtray
Three things I'm doing right now: typing this, sorting pictures, drinking a soda
Three things I want to do before I die: Go to Nicaragua, quit smoking, watch my daughter walk down the aisle
Three things I can do: take picures, type a hundred words a minute, break down camp, hook up the car, and drive a motorcoach in less than 45 minutes
Three things I can't do: cook, sew, boil water
Three things you should listen to: your conscience, good music, your mother
Three things you should never listen to: gossip, your neighbors fighting, bad advice
Three things I'd like to learn: Spanish, photography, to still the voices in my head
Three favourite foods: Mexican, steak, pigs feet and sauerkraut
Three beverages I drink regularly: coffee, diet coke, juice
Three TV shows/Books I watched/read as a kid: Lassie, Laugh In, Captain Kangaroo I know its the Mr. Greenjeans thing but if I can find a man like him I would give up my single ways.
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I dont' know who to tag because everyone has done this one, except me - Thanks sarala


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...