Saturday, December 30, 2006

Whats In A Name

I read Skeet's post on the origin of her name plus the argument that my son and I are having led to this post.

First and foremost. Pepper is my given name. I have a legal name that I am never called unless you are a bill collector or want donations. Like Skeet, my brother (Ray) gave me this name. Only he did it because of two red crayons. Prior to my birth, my mother took Ray into the doctor's office because he just wasn't hearing. It was not selective hearing either. He wouldn't come to dinner when he was called. The doctor took a look into his ears and said "Its because he has two red crayons stuck in his ears." I will admit it was funny but his hearing was never restored to normal. That of course affected his speech. So when I was introduced to him, he tried to say my name but it came out "Bepper." That led to Pepper and god forbid it stuck. My parents owned a resort during my growing up years and I remember a couple came in with a Mynah bird. His name was Pepper and it would love to scream his name. I was running around in circles because I would hear Pepper and would come running. Oh but that is a different story that rates up there with third degree burns on my arse. I will continue on the name story.

I thought life was not easy with a moniker of Pepper until I met a girl named Skeet. I never heard the usual pick up lines like "whats your sign?" I heard "Are you hot?" "Are you spicy?" "Oh baby you shake me up." Then of course Dr. Pepper had their jingle..... "I'm A Pepper, You're A Pepper, Wouldn't You Like To Be A Pepper Too?"

What is your first impression when you hear the name Pepper. I think of a black Labrador, a Mynah Bird, and a baseball player. I don't think of a woman. I hear cute a lot and when you reach a certain age you don't want to be cute. Now that I am turning gray I hear "Oh Pepper - like your hair."

My brother passed away 15 years ago. What from? Lets just say "total despair of the soul" and leave it at that. The name now has become a gift. Somewhat of an endearment that ties me to him.

The name still irks me but I remember where my name came from and that helps.

Rusty aka James called prior to his surgery all excited. My new grand baby, due in April, is a girl. Jayda Renee and he wants to give her my legal name as a third name. It has become an argument between us because that isn't my name. It never was. Just words on paper. Has no meaning, no attachment to me. I will not be buried, but if I was the name Pepper would be on the headstone. I suggested that he give her the name of Pepper as remembrance to me and her uncle that she will never met. Of course that went over like a lead balloon. James aka Rusty, Nicole give her a third name that flows with the other two and if you want it to be my legal name. So be it. Truthfully, I would like for her to be a Pepper too.


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...