Friday, September 28, 2007

My daughter called this morning trying to plan out the events for this evening. We are going to have a girlie night – she is going to dye my hair. Then we are going to have take-out for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Robert taped all of the “My Name is Earl” shows we missed so we can catch up with Earl. I don’t know why I like the show, it defies explanation. Then she plans to cap off the evening with games, like “Apple Apple” or Skip-Bo.

My response to her enthusiasm….. “Hannah I am having one of those days when I just want to sit on the floor and cry.”

I guess to much has hit me in the past month, year and it is all catching up with me at once. I don’t understand depression because of my way of thinking is “If everything is going right then why do I feel this way?” I am having a bad hair day… which by this time tomorrow will be grey free, I hope. I am not doing a permanent color. I can wash it out in 12 shampoos. So if I don’t like it I can spend a half day in the shower washing my hair and wasting enough water to take care of a third world country.

I am going to focus on being around positive people, stay away from less judgmental people. I have been fortunate in my life to meet all kinds of people from different backgrounds, different beliefs, and have found a part of me in each of these encounters. I pride myself on giving my children the opportunity to share the same. I know some of you are wondering what brought this about. It came to me this morning when mom was trying to find a chip for her camera. On each of the chips were pictures taken a long while back, pictures that I had taken on another camera. I looked at the pictures and it brought back so many warm memories. I remembered my attempts to find a place where I could live with myself and build up resistance to people who were so quick to judge and people that were…. Well mean. The place I worked was so sad, so depressing, and sometimes my co workers were difficult, to say the least. I never found that place until I quit my job and moved into my little house on wheels.

Perhaps it is a residual effect. I haven’t been able to shake off the sadness and meanness I encountered in the years I worked at this particular job. Perhaps I never will but in the meantime I will focus on positive to off set the residual effects. It is a good plan, one I will implement immediately.

I am now off to work on the levelers and the water hose leak.

Pictures were taken yesterday at the Plaza in Kansas City. Click here to view.


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...