Subject: IPV6 connectivity limited with Windows Vista
To: "Robert Weber"
I have done a lot of research on this. I took the "easy" way and disabled IPV6 and that didn't help with my being able to access the internet. Most if not all, public WI FI uses IPV4 and their IPV6 is limited.
I decided to contact Dell Support and spent two hours on the phone with a tech who finally agreed with me. In short I cannot get on the net because of Window Vista.
You can google this and see that I have not lost my mind. I need to be able to access the internet not only for personal reasons but for professional as well. I am so screwed.
We will be in Lubbock Texas in less than a week. I will send you their address so you can ship my old computer back to me. It is frustrating to have a computer that meets my needs with the exception of not being able to access the internet.
Things have been super crappy. In Oklahoma City, the roads are so bad that the whole RV was being shook. I am so cautious driving, I check my mirrors repeatedly and thank god I did. Right in rush hour traffic one of my basement doors popped open on the driver's side of the vehicle. I managed to get pulled over and get it closed without being killed by crazy insane drivers. It was my "propane" door, one without a lock, and I don't use it very often. The rough roads could have popped that open.
Water pressure at various parks is giving me a fit. I have blown two hoses. At this park I put the water pressure regulator on the faucet and another on the RV. Still leaking. I just keep the water turned off until we need it.
Then my camera lense broke..... Surely is having problems in the poo end and I have to shave her butt which means I have to sedate her. I tried to get out of my door this morning and it jammed. I thought I was going to have to climb out the window to get out. Relatively minor fix but aggravating. I am still dealing with our hot water problem and I need the freaking internet to set up my reservations for the next two months. Can you tell I want to hurt someone badly? :-)
Other than all of that I am hanging in their by my toenails.
Thanks for letting me emote.
2 hours ago
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