Monday, July 07, 2008

Big Red and Tooth

When I saw this picture of Big Red, I thought of something my father would say.....

"Kiss Me Baby, Nothing Makes Me Sick."

And Now For The Rest Of The Story

Tuesday, last week, mom's bottom left tooth started bothering her and the next day I called the dentist. With it being a holiday weekend I couldn't get her in until today.

Finding a dentist in a town that you are not familiar with is difficult and I usually start the search with the internet. I look for someone who looks like they would have a sense of humor - anyone can look like a dentist but not everyone has a sense of humor.

By Thursday morning she was in a lot of pain and I noticed two small bites below her tooth. On the outside, not the inside.

By the time the weekend got here, she was very quiet and swollen. Which is not a good thing, her being quiet I was ready to haul her off to the hospital because her bites were turning black, the bottom of her tooth was turning black, but her disposition wasn't unless I mentioned hospital - doctors.

Mom is an amazing person. When things go wrong for her it happens in threes. First her tooth - the nerve was dying and it perished without an infection setting in. When the pain from the dying nerve stopped, the pain from the canker sore took over, and to really confuse and complicate things, the two spider bites on her face is still huring. The canker sore is fine as well. It is just the bites that are hurting.

I would rather give birth than have a toothache. She endured with a great sense of humor and is now planning our next adventure.

Location: McNeal Arizona


noisysmile said...

Is that the cow that knew how to turn the pump on?

Poor grandma! I can't imagine the pain. What a trooper!

Anonymous said...

Yes that is culprit. He is friendly soul but you don't want to get to close to those horns. He likes to swing his head back and forth. -Mamalou-

What Dogs See

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