Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Being Mental

I have been up since 5:30 a.m. I have been making to do lists and to call lists. I also have been doing some research, and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Unfortunately I also perused the news; news headlines that reads"6.4 Magnitude Quake in Pakistan" to "Brother of Mummified Kentucky Woman Arrested". They also found a body in their search of a missing teacher. That last news report lead to the word uxoricide. The definition of uxoricide is - uxor means wife - killing of one's wife. Which of course led to Mariticide - maritus means married - but it is associated with the killing of one's husband. Don't confuse this with matricide. What is matricide? It is the act of killing one's mother. There are others - patricide, the killing of one's father, fratricide, the killing of one's brother, sororicide, the killing of one's sister, filicide, the killing of one's child, which by the way is not the same as aborticide which is the killing of a fetus. Dear Lord! This is what is in the news today.

Then there are Obama candles. It is a pillar candle favored by the Catholic Church which usually has a picture of a saint on it. In this case it is a picture of Obama in a brown robe, which makes me think of the following song. I am not endorsing McCain or Obama. I am just being mental, which is a good thing and I deserve it.

What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
If God had a face
What would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you
would have to believe
In things like heaven and
Jesus and the saints
and all the Prophets

Then there is the list I made. I need to start calling then I need to start driving. Much too much to do and 10 days to do it in.

Update: Calls have been made and appointments made.



Anonymous said...

Sometimes life is too scary to think about. I love that of my faves. I get freaked out by things like that Obama candle. Too anti-christ for me. And McCain gives me an icky rush everytime I see him. It's like a flight or fight thing. This whole campaigne sucks as far as I am concerned. I don't think I have ever been so dammed confused and wondering whole to vote for or if I should vote at all. I certainly see to be grappling a lot with life choices lately. Perhaps because those choices seem like they could be fatal if one chooses wrong.

Did you happen to find a word that means killing a government, a country or an entire spiecies?

I want answers delivered to my door, dammit. I am tired of trying to figure out what life is about. I am tired of floundering and waffling around. Whiff, whiff...


Anonymous said...

and I hope you can get through all the typos and mis-spelled words.


Michael said...

awww SHT!?!!!...I love that song!but can't for the life of me...remember "Who did it"!

(and yer a hell of a "tease" for not saying!!!)

Yeah, it's a whole "creepy" scenario that we as a Nation, are going thru right now...uh, but...isn't it "also" really kinda "cool" to be here "watching it"? I mean, damn!, "we are the generation" when it "finally comes down"!...That, in itself, is awsum!

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I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...