What I found strange about the drive was who would build a multi million dollar home on a mountain top right on the Mexican border? They had a heck of a view and it was isolated.
There are several ghost towns and semi ghost towns on this route, Washington Camp, Dusqune, Harshaw, Mowry etc. The scenery was beautiful and the drive relaxing.
Tuesday was mom and I's doctor's visit. We met our "new' doctor and he seems to be alright. I did scheduled a bone density test and mamagram. The best part is I don't have to deal with the insurance company, the hospital will do all of that for me. That is why I haven't had it done for two years - the darn insurance company gave me a run around. Because of my health I should have had it done but I am so sick of the health care situation and it is only going to get worse if we get a socialist for a president.
Today we are off to look at houses.

all I know about our insurance is that we pay and pay and then we pay some more. It is getting out of hand...hell, what am I saying it is already over the bend.
Do you sometimes feel the ghosts of the past as you visit all the old places? So neat to see all that remains. The desert is a mystery unto itself.
And isn't it fun to just get in the car and drive the back roads. What a treat.
Your windows look like paintings. I love them. They would be great enlarged and framed...
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