Monday, October 20, 2008

Running Away

Scott and I are running away from home today! Woo Hoo!

Hannah - in response to the following comment you left on my blog, "good luck with the home hunting. be sure to find a place that has a guest house with a pool, tennis courts, live-in maid and vegan chef. I will be happy to come live with you : )"

Honey, you can always pitch a tent in my yard, and I will cook all of your meals for you while you clean my house.

For those that don't know.... my cooking is so bad that my dog would run away from home to eat at mom's.

My adopted family just found out I am an evil space alien put on earth to observe!



Lynilu said...

Every time I look at that little canine face, I smile! I can't help it!

noisysmile said...

hey hey hey don't be cooking for me now, unless you're going to use the food (namely cookies) to build my guesthouse. that's fine by me, but I'm not eating it : )

little lulu (robert and I call her tinkerbell) is quite the weirdo eh? But that's why you two were made for each other : P

Did you and scotto go to the concert?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a gingerbread house be grand for Hannah to live in? She could follow bread crumbs on her way to visit you. (smile) My Libby would like the same kind of house close to me.

Say it ain't so...I just know little Lulu is not evil. Sooooo
sweet. Alien maybe. I have always wondered if pets don't come to us via a spaceship.

Please Pepper...stop torturing that kid with threats of cooking for her. LMBOff...


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...