I just hope Lulu can handle the change. I have been debating on whether or not to take her out there. She does not handle change well. I had to replace her harness yesterday and it was bad. In the beginning she wore a collar and we were advised to put her in a harness. So we bought a cheap harness from Wal Mart. When I put it on her she went into her house and didn't come out for 12 hours. I ended up taking her out of her house and made her take a walk. This time she went into her house and it took popcorn to get her to come out. Then we just shut her door so she couldn't go back in. When I took her out for her nightly walk she just refused to move. This morning she walked three steps, did her business, and went back to her house. Changes in her environment causes her to freak out as well. She is a strange little animal. We wouldn't give her up for all the money in the world.

You have taken her so many other places with you.... I'd take her out there several times so it becomes part of her day. That way when you move in, maybe she'll be okay with it.
I'm so happy for you!
Maybe Lulu is holding out for a harness from Sak's Fifth Avenue.........
Not that she'll get one but perhaps her taste is in line with her name.
I crack me up!
Yippee-skippee on the house! I'm excited for you!
As for sweet Lulu, just be patient. I think of Sammy, how terrified of, well, everything he was; how he wouldn't come out of my bedroom for nearly three weeks; how he lost it when he saw a person. And now, 5 months later, he is becoming a confident little guy. He still doesn't care for strangers (or even friends!) who come in the house, but within a few minutes, he is sniffing at them. Another 5 months, and I suspect he won't scream "Stranger danger!!!!" every time the door opens!
I think Lulu just needs time and patience. I agree with Robin to take her with you often so that she gets used to the idea that you're going to bring her "home" with you every time. Home will be where you are less than the place eventually. She will be OK, given time. :)
I have to agree with everyone else. For example look at surley she would hyper ventilate when in a car. After repeatedly taking drives in a car she calmed down, but it took repeated trips in the car. Same with lulu she needs repetition in her life for her to feel comfortable.
All things worth having are generally a pain in the butt to begin with. I suspect little Lulu is just trying to claim her rightful alpha spot. She'll keep you young and guessing if nothing else. I'm so excited for you guys getting your new house. Now the fun will begin.
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