Monday, January 05, 2009

Greetings From Lulu

This week has been GRRRRREAT!  Lulu had a wonderful visit from Rose and Ella.

But her heart belonged to Ella......

She shares!

Rose found out that Arizona has plants that bite!

Lets get a close up of her nose.

Poor Baby.

The only bad part of the week was getting a bath.

With all the puppy love going on this week, Scott decided to get him some.  Meet Bernie people.  He is a Lab Chow mix.

I think he is a keeper.

I know Lulu is.



Lynilu said...

Oh, happy family, both 2-leggers and 4-leggers! I'm glad you and Lulu both have someone to play with! Love the pictures, but my favorite if that last one of Lulu! Too cute! I'd tak any of 'em!!

Enjoy your kids!!

Anonymous said...

Casey was passing thru while I was peeking at your blog. Lulu is a beautiful young lady. She may not like the camera but the camera likes her - very photogenic! Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year to you everyone.

noisysmile said...

I LOVE the pictures of Scott and Bernie. They look like they were made for each other.

What Dogs See

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