They are managing to price cigarettes out of existance. I, for one, is totally against this. In order to finance the State Children's Health Insurance Program the government is going to have to encourage people to smoke not discourage. When people stop buying cigarettes or start purchasing them on the web, I would suggest they start raising taxes on liquor. It is just as deadly to people as smoking.
Sure alcohol doesn't have "second hand drinking" but how many drunks get into a car and kill someone or wipe out an entire family? There are alcohol related illnesses to consider as well. Cigarettes might deadlier but alcohol is right up there with it.
If they are going to control the citizens of the United States and remove their bad habits then they need to look at all of the deadly "sins" and tax them all fairly and evenly. That is all I am saying.
No I haven't started smoking again.
9 hours ago
I'm with you. It's not a defense of alcohol or cigarettes. It's the idea of it. This increasing amount of micro-managing is just aggravating. Makes me wanna start smoking and drinking just out of spite!!! a "smoker n a drinker" (both within reason...the only 2 "vices" this 60 year ol'Fart has left, by the way)...I find the simple "idea" of taxing things that people find enjoyable to be utterly rediculous...uh, why don't they "tax" U-Tube?...or (gawd forbid)...the Internet???...oh, wait...they gonna do "that" soon enough, aren't they?
Hang around, kiddies,...with the economy diving like it is...we gonna see "taxing" on stuff we never would have imagined...all done in the name of "survival of da fitest"...hrrrhm...I mean... "Them".
Right on!! I could rant on for many pages but I will just say I feel more like I am living in a communist country each day...being told what I can or cannot do and being penalized by high taxes and new laws when I don't cave in and readily obey.
Everything is so out of control.
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