Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dirt Roads (a rant)

I think it was Jeff Foxworthy that said “you know you are a red neck if directions to your house include: "turn off the paved road."  I have always lived off of a dirt or gravel road.  Some of my children’s fondest memories are of dirt roads and long walks.   So it wasn’t so strange that mom and I found a house off of a dirt road in the middle of Oro Valley.  The directions to our little adobe home is “turn off the paved road.”  We had to spread gravel on our little road because when it rains it turns to mud.   It makes sense or it does to us.

My son and a friend are doing some spring cleaning at the house.  Besides clearing the dead stuff, chopping down dead trees, they are shoveling gravel in the back of a pickup truck and putting it on the road.  The rains have washed some of the gravel away leaving some bare spots.  It is hard work, a lot of shoveling and raking but he has done it before.  Our neighbor decided it was time to let my son know that she doesn’t appreciate our gravel road.  She came out of her house, which is off a paved road, and asked him to stop putting gravel on his road.  It seems that every time Scott drives on it, it wakes up her family.  Even though he drives very slowly (her words not his) it is still very loud and she wants all of the gravel removed from our road. 


Like I said I have lived off of a gravel road and now that we are traveling and living at RV parks we are still living off of a gravel road.  I have had RV neighbors that lived in the city all of their lives and it has never been the road that has kept them up at night.  It is always the dogs, the trains, or the interstate noises but it has never been the gravel on the road.  Just read the reviews on RV Park Reviews.

I told my son to keep on putting the gravel on the road.  I am sure they will not drive their little blue Jag on a muddy road and neither will my son drive his 5 year old Matrix on one either.  The neighbor took my number from Scott and is going to call me.  It will be a big mistake on her part if she does because I am going to recommend a specialist for hypersensitivity to sound. 

I told someone that we are like the Beverly Hillbillies only we ain’t rich just lucky.  These folks know we are not “one of them.”  We don’t try to mix and mingle we just try to be good neighbors.  I am not going to have the gravel removed from the road.  I am not going to change how I take care of my property to suit my neighbors.  They can have their pools, gardeners, and HOAs.    It doesn’t matter to me, as long as they stay on their side of the fence. 

It just goes to show it takes all kinds to make this world go round.

I'll take the dirt road, it's all I know
I've been a'walking it for years
It's gone where I need to go
It ain't easy, it ain't supposed to be
So I'll take my time
And life won't pass me by
'Cause it's right there to find, on the dirt road


Lynilu said...

I'm with you, girlfriend. And personally, I love the sound of car tires crunching over the gravel. If that makes me weird, so be it!

noisysmile said...

hypersensitivity to sound ROFL OMG! I DARE YOU. holy wow that is just ripe. holy wow, I'd give anything for dirt roads up here. I have never heard such nonsense in my life.

Rojo said...

I am with you on this one!Besides I will make them comfortable fitting silicone ear plugs for a price od course LOL

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