Wednesday, October 20, 2010

…I didn’t get paid either

We drove to my daughter’s house this afternoon.  We are going to take care of some dental problems, an oil change before we take off to warmer places.

Her wonderful boyfriend had my CD ready and I am so excited.  I know the best way to listen to 7 Dreams is one dream at a time.  Mom made it through to the 3rd dream before she went to bed.  We will listen to it in it’s entirety when we are cruising down the road. I am going to add a dream a day to my blog for the next 7 days.  Share the joy of Gordon Jenkins with others.

Tomorrow the dentist, Friday the oil change, Saturday fun and games….. Maybe we will be on the road by Sunday. 

Like I have said earlier my memories are coming back, most of them return like an old friend.  Today Hannah took us to a wonderful Greek Restaurant for lunch.  The three of us were enjoying a great meal and conversation when a memory came back to me like an old friend.  Of course I shared it like I am going to now.  Remembering is very exciting for me.  I was 14 years old and a lady of Polish descent owned a restaurant not far from where I lived.   She offered to train me to be a waitress and I jumped at the opportunity.  The first day of employment I jumped into my little boat (in those days I traveled by boat.) and arrived at the restaurant.  I was super excited.  I found out real fast her method of training was not in any training manual.  Every time I would make a mistake she would cuss me out in Polish and a couple times she would chucked a pork chop at me.  I didn’t last long at that job.  Truth be told I should have collected the pork chops and taken them home with me because I didn’t get paid either.  

The First Dream - The Professor

Here a few pictures I took while in Bonner Springs KS a couple weeks ago.  We went to the Renaissance Fair and yes kids I got my turkey leg. 

My Daughter Ax Throwing
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Turkey Leg!!!
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Lynilu said...

Oh, I miss the Renaissance Festival. My son was in one of the high school choirs that performed there back in the early 80s. Attendance was a nearly annual tradition for us. sigh. Fun memories.

I'm laughing about your waitress job. My son, the same one mentioned above, took a job at a Japanese restaurant in KC, bussing tables. No one threw anything at him, but every time something went wrong, the kitchen erupted with yelling voices as the whole crew screamed at each other. Scott was the only Anglo, and he chose those moments to "super-bus" and stay out of the kitchen! he thought there were too many knives available to angry people! LOL!

Lynilu said...

Pepper, what is the 7 Dreams CD? I've goggled it, but there are too many references to different things to sort it out. Your reference sounds like an audio book kind of thing, but what I'm finding seems to be a movie or music CDs.

What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...