I am a desert dog. I live among the cacti, javelinas, and coyotes. I know where to walk, which animals to avoid, and which plants I can baptized. I laugh when my Kansas cousins come to visit because they just can’t figure out why desert plants bite.
This month my sister and I went on a road trip. Since my life revolves around smells I don’t know where I was taken but my home is wherever my person, Scott is. I just adore that boy. I just made myself comfortable and situated myself where I can see him.
And I waited.
Our first stop was by a body of water, commonly known in the human world as a river. Then Scott put up a house for us to sleep in and we all settled down. Chicken was cooked, beer was opened, and the smells of that along with all of the wonderful smells was divine.
The next morning we got up early and we climbed on another vehicle (a school bus) and off we went. If I knew then what I know now I would never have gotten on that bus. We drove for a while and then we were dumped. I know dumped because I am a pound puppy and being dumped is not a good thing.
I was so confused especially when they dumped off a long thing that floated on the river. I watched Scott put a cooler in it, I saw grandma get in, and then he called my name.
I didn’t know what to do. A part of me wanted to run, another part of me wanted to obey so I just stood there… frozen. I might have Labrador running through these veins but I am a desert dog. Water is to be drunk. I found myself being picked up and carried to the floater thingie, which was embarrassing. Then a push was given and I found myself in the middle of the river. So I started drinking. I thought I could drink the river dry and everything would be okay.
We had to stop so I could baptize a bush. Then Scott went in the water, he started calling my name…. I don’t know what he was thinking but it is for sure that I was not going out there. I found myself, once again, being carried out to the middle of the river… then I was dumped.
They say I reached the shore in less than a second. It was there I watched Scott. Just to show him there was no hard feelings I jumped into the floatie thingie and off we went down the river. They tried to make the river a good thing, a fun thing by giving me pieces of their lunch and lots and lots of attention. Since my home is wherever Scott roams I was content…
Enjoy the pictures. If you want to see more click here!