Thursday, November 22, 2007


Don’t freak out kids, I promised myself I would say only nice things about your dad. I kept my promise, with the exception of calling him a Teletubby; I will continue to do so now. I will be politically correct. I honor his love of his pet rats and field mice. I have honored his need for seclusion. I understand his paranoia and can even empathize with him. I will continue to honor him.

Back to my daily rant, like Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh, my ex has become an artist. He has an exhibit at Drury College and a kind soul even wrote a book about him and his art.

Even though, I closed my child support case against and do not want compensation - the State of Missouri has not. I hope he will have enough cash to pay them off.

I am so happy that he found his medium and he has accomplished something that his children and grandchildren will talk about with pride.

Here is the websites if you wish to see his work.

The Book

Drury College


In all fairness, I do hope he does receive some compensation for the book. I do mean that sincerely. It is his life, his work, his memories and even though you cannot put a monetary value on that, he should be compensated.

Nuff said.

Location: Las Cruces


What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...