Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fly In The Car

I'm Henry the 8th I am,
Henry the 8th I am, I am,
The reason why I am Henry the 8th (yes I am) is Henry 1, Henry 2, Henry 3, Henry 4, Henry 5, 6, and 7 weren't as fast as I, I Henry the 8th I am.
I'm her 8th fly I Henry,
Henry the 8th I am.
Epilogue: Henry was a tad bit over confident and quickly met his demise. We are currently Henryless.


noisysmile said...

damn flies. they are all so arrogant. of course I never sing to the ones I kill. Robert does however, so hey you guys have something in common.

Lynilu said...

I detest flies. This recent rain has made their numbers zoom, so my fly swatters are all out in easy reach, one in every room!!

What Dogs See

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