Today was Lulu's day out. Mom and I decided to take a picnic lunch to Catalina State Park. We found a deserted picnic area and turned Lulu loose. All she wants to do for the first 15 minutes is run. She ran down the side walk - back and forth, forth and back, back and forth. Then she ran in the grass. The only way to describe her when she is in full run is "joyful." It is bliss in it's rawest form.
After lunch I put her on her leash and took her on a hike. In the picnic area she stays close and it is a fairly wide open area. On a hike she needs to be on a leash because she becomes prey. Lulu is okay with being put on a leash as long as she gets to run first. It was a fairly normal day.
I decided to take the trail to the two creeks. When we arrived at the first creek, mom found a rock with her name on it and sat. I picked up Lulu and went on. Lulu hates water. She won't even drink from a creek. When I carry her across she either wiggles or starts dog paddling. There is one thing that Lulu hates more than water......
She hates it when mom and I separate. She wants us together 24 7. When one of us leaves she panics.
I had to carry her across the two creeks but once we were through with that she seemed to be okay. We hiked and she barked and life was good. When we came back to the first creek I had to pick her up and carry her across. When we got to the second creek, she saw mom, and her joy at seeing her was so great that she started pulling. Since there was no one around I let go of the leash. I just wanted to see what she will do when she got to the creek. You will not believe it but she swam the creek to get to mom.
Mom grabbed a stick and the rest is amazing.
The one above is funny when you click on it to enlarge.
Needless to say - she had a blast!
Oh and I found a horned toad.
Aren't they amazing little creatures? Yes, the dog and the horned toad. But especially the dog for her resilience!
It's so neat to see her happy and feeling secure. Sheer Dogjoy.
I am now a lulu lover. this is so freaking awesome.
This is why Lulu and Ella got along so well!!
The dog finally meets water WOW. Oh and look at that eye ball. reminds me of a story I once heard. "Oh what big eyes you have" hm hm hm does that ring a bell or am I just crazy. I bet you can find that story on You Tube. Their you go mom something to do on those sleepless nights search for little read riding hood story on You Tube. Any way enough of me rambling on I must go I love the pictures. The horned toad I know you were wanting to get a picture of one for a long time now you got it. That should be your first picture on your newly painted walls that is if you can find a remodeling company to hang your pictures he he he he.
James "AKA Rusty"
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