Sunday, April 04, 2010

Las Cruces New Mexico

We are out of Arizona!!!!

My doctor's visit went well.  I opted for yearly exams but if I need to have things rechecked then I have my medical records with me.  Thank you for your comments and concerns.  I have had osteoporosis for over 15 years and I have to take medication.  Drink nasty milk and other milk products.  I finally relented and started taking calcium pills last year and I am now officially off of my beloved diet coke.

Soda and Osteoporosis: The Cola Connection

New research indicates that there may be more to the soda and osteoporosis connection than simply replacing the good stuff with the useless stuff.  Researchers at Tufts University, studying several thousand men and women, found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas -- three or more a day -- had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip, even though researchers controlled for calcium and vitamin D intake. But women who drank non-cola soft drinks, like Sprite or Mountain Dew, didn't appear to have lower bone density.

Soda and Osteoporosis: Possible Culprits

Phosphoric acid, a major component in most sodas, may be to blame, according to lead study author Katherine Tucker, PhD. Phosphorus itself is an important bone mineral. But if you're getting a disproportionate amount of phosphorus compared to the amount of calcium you're getting, that could lead to bone loss.  Another possible culprit is caffeine, which experts have long known can interfere with calcium absorption. In the Tufts study, both caffeinated and non-caffeinated colas were associated with lower bone density. But the caffeinated drinks appeared to do more damage.

I try to limit my coffee to two cups.   I now have osteopenia which is GREAT.  I am happy with that.

Also I had insurance when I went to the doctor's.  Blue Cross changed its requirements.  They also tried to say I still had osteoporosis when I was just diagnosed with osteopenia.  It is just BS.  Freaking BS to try to drop me over something trivial but the truth is I am over the new requirements.  My insurance increases every year $50 to $100.  I am going to try to increase my deductible to lower it.  AND no I am not a fan of the Obama Health Plan.

Anyway we are heading to Texas and again I don't know if I will be online or not.

Life is good.


hannah jane said...

congrats for kicking the diet coke : )
And surely you stopped for si senor. Love you and see you guys soon.

Robin said...

Oh, girl.... NOT DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!! I drink it like water. Guess now I'll be drinking alot more.....


Glad things are better.

What Dogs See

I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...