Monday, July 26, 2010

Tee Pee Campground

I liked this laid back campground.  It is a family park so there were kids all around playing, riding bikes, shooting hoop…. but it was nice.  I enjoy hearing laughter.  On weekends there is a band, “Geezers Gone Wild” and a bonfire on the beach.  The ferries have shuttles that will pick you up for free so we didn’t have to drive the van every day.  The campground also has a store with the basic supplies without the exorbitant prices.  The people that worked there were friendly and informative. 

The only downside was the bathrooms.  I was in the shower when someone flushed the toilet.  That caused a back up and quite a ripple effect among the other bathers.  I just jumped on the ledge and teetered there for a second.  Fortunately I hadn’t soaped up.  I got dressed, went home and dug out the bleach and scoured my feet.  We had to bird bath it while there. 

My daughter, Hannah, told me I had to eat a pasty while in Michigan.  Honey – I don’t like meat pies but I did eat a lot of fish.  I did try the fudge – yum. 

Our neighbor gave an impromptu concert on his accordion.   It was really nice and people were walking by clapping and giving him the thumbs up.   Unfortunately I cannot upload the video.

Enjoy the pictures!


hannah jane said...

you've got to find a way to share the video with me. can you email it?

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