I have had four pups in my life since my old friend passed. Lu and Fi – Lu couldn’t travel and Fi wanted a family. I made up my mind not to get another dog. Around Christmas this year my daughter called and she found an Affenpinscher/Poodle mix that needed a new home. I admit to being a dog snob and I always wanted an Affenpinscher. Hannah’s beau, Robert picked her up at the prison where she was residing and flew with her to Florida where we were staying. She came with a little Christmas bow on her crate.
Perhaps “prison dog” should have been a red flag but I wasn’t looking for flags, I was looking for a furry companion. I called her Abby. I think the first few days Abby was in shock. Since she was residing in a little cell prior to moving into a van I don’t think space was an issue. I think going from an adoring inmate to two crazy women proved to be too much for her. She was a one person dog and she was trying to figure out who she was going to attach herself to. Fortunately for me she picked me. Unfortunate for ma though because once Abby decided I was the one, Abby also decided mom had to go. You think living full-time in a van is rough try living in a van with a thirteen pound dog that wants to eat you. Poor mom… one false move and Abby was going for the throat. Since the rescue wanted her returned and not dropped off at a pound, we had to live with her until Robert and Hannah caught up with us in Texas. We sectioned off the van (Divide 19 foot by 2), mom was extremely careful and didn’t make any sudden moves when she was around me, and we made do. When Robert took possession of Abby she went for him and drew blood. There is good news for Abby, she is back in prison with her inmate and she will never be adopted out again.
After Abby left I was left with an even stronger desire to have a pup. When we arrived in Tucson we decided to get a puppy. So we found Annie and she was such a sweetie. She needed a home that would suit her needs. So Annie went to live with a nice lady who lives in Iowa. I am a believer in signs and I know someone is trying to tell me to wait…. Someday a furry companion will find me.
I was asked why I still grieve for my old friend. Why after almost two years I still mourn her passing… I know that it is strange why I grieve for her like I do and not for my human friends but the truth is she didn’t bite.
Still in Gila Bend, enjoying the brief rain, and tomorrow we are going to look for petroglyphs. Thank you everyone for your comments. It is good to be back.