I love the term "upgrade." It means simply to spend more money changing something that is already functioning fine. In this case the bathroom will not be upgraded. I like it, it suits my personality. We are going to "upgrade" the kitchen appliances though. The fridge won't be slick, shiny stainless steel with an ice maker, cold water dispenser, and a tv. We decided on an off white with ice cube trays and the stove to match. The more stuff you add the more costly the repairs. We are keeping it simple. The living room isn't just pink, it pepto bismol pink. It will be painted. The rest of the rooms are different shades of pink. Those will be painted. I am not a pink person. There is nothing soothing about the color pink. When the time comes for mom and I to move in, hopefully not to soon, then I will focus on more desert colors for the inside walls. Soft soothing colors.
Scott moved in the day we were given the keys. All he has is two lawn chairs and a blow up mattress. He loves it. When it gets dark it is pitch black. You can step out onto the courtyard all you hear is the night creatures. It is so peaceful. Scott was given instructions on snake bites. Rattlesnakes rattle during the day giving you enough warning but during the night it is a short rattle and then they getcha. I don't think I will be wandering around during the night and neither will Scott. Yes kids, I am faithfully wearing shoes and after the rattlesnake stories I am considering boots and wearing them to bed as well. Thigh high boots....
We are going to shop at second hand shops for furniture so Scott will have furniture. A man does need his couch. Also there are security lights all around the house so we can light the place up or if anyone steps into range the place it will light up automatically.
I have learned quite a bit this past month. The most important lesson learned is "Do not sit on your phone when it is set to vibrate."
Oh Baby