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April 2006 - December 2011
8/21/07 Wayne County , West Virginia
Dog Buried Alive Trapped Four Days Underground - Emotional Rescue Video 8/21/07
Dog trapped underground in a storm drain for four days has been rescued.
Listen carefully, and you'll hear a grown man cry: Tears of triumph over tragedy. Finding his buried dog: alive.
This is a story of sheer perseverance! It could have had a completely different ending. The threat of a cave in, after heavy rain, was very real!
Alex the Dalmation was trapped 15 feet underground in an old storm drain. He crawled in to cool off and got stuck.
A danger, not only to the trapped dog, but it's owner: who had been digging for days to try and free Alex. A friend with a backhoe came to help, inching dangerously close. It's giant, iron claw capable of ripping the animal in half. A hole large enough to swallow this ladder whole and everyone and everything in it.
That was the thing we had to whisper a little prayer for last night, because these dogs get to be like part of the family.
But after 4 days of searching and two days of digging, Alex, was free.
For 14 years he has been a part of Thompson family.
Alex was taken to the vet, early this afternoon: he arrived on a stretcher. It's a miracle.
Why do the nations rage?
Why do they plot and scheme?
Their bullets
can't stop the prayers we pray
In the name of the Prince of Peace
walk in faith and remember long ago
How they killed Him and then how on the
third day He arose
Well, things may look bad
And things may look grim
But all these things must pass except the things that are of Him
Click here for Metamora Indiana.
As usual, we took the back roads to Metamora. Twisty curvy roads that made me think of the story mom told about old man Moulder. Old man Moulder helped create the roads that are in Camden County. Mom said you could always tell when he took a little too many sips of whiskey because the road became a little more crooked.
We also explored the town of Oldenburg, which calls itself the “City of Spires.” We found two and it was worth the trip to see them. Oldenburg is another historical town that was fun to drive around in and sightsee.
Click Here For Oldenburg Indiana, City of Spires.
Of course, I had to see Peppertown and find a sign that bears the town’s name. It is no longer considered a town it is called a village. Fortunately, we didn’t blink or we would have missed it. I found the cemetery and a sign so I considered that a lucky break. The town is named after the family with the last name of Pepper. Wouldn’t it be odd if I should marry a man with the last name of Pepper? This would be a cold day indeed.
Our last town was Brookville. It is a large town with historical building buildings and a wonderful cemetery.
Click Here For Peppertown and Brookville Indiana.
Somewhere between Oldenburg and Brookville, we found two wonderful little cemeteries, Cupp Cemetery and Arlington Indiana Cemetery. Arlington Cemetery has a dollhouse and I actually wrote down every word on the plaque in front of the grave. It is a sad but inspiring story of a little girl and how her dollhouse brought the town together.
Click Here For Arlington Indiana Pictures and Dollhouse.
Click Here For Cupp Cemetery and Arlington Indiana Pictures.
I am now a happy person that shares her home with two dogs. Miss Sophie has moved in with us full time. She is a Miniature Pinscher, 6 years...
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